I know that it may sound weird, but actually yesterday during the contest I was like let's check out the performance of chatgpt(free version) and it was shocking that it got C and D within minutes, and both were accepted in first go...
You will be amazed that starting contest after 1 hour and just submitting C and D got me a rank of around 1700, it was truly shocking that how could the contests be fair now?
And yeah I would wish to be marked unrated for the contest as was just experimenting that how far can I reach just by using chatgpt...
Happy Coding!
competitive aspect of competitive programming is gone (except few Div.1 player)
GPT didn't even solve B.
Then may be I am just lucky enough to get premium unlocked free of cost!
IMO people below div1 should take cf as fun sports now. BTW 304101701 : skipped , 304132249 : passed , How does cf skipping criteria works?
Resubmitting in a live contest skips the previous ac submission, gives you a -100 score and the new score you get will be according to time you spent your latest one (-100 in addition to it) so it will basically mess up your rank by thousands if you submitted and got ac in the first 30 mins and resubmit in the last 5 mins.