Enigma27's blog

By Enigma27, history, 5 months ago, In English

Announcing GO For Gold Campaign (Powered by NST)

Greeting Indian ICPC contestants !!

India is home to some of the brightest minds in the world, and our potential is undeniable. Yet we have a long way to go regarding Competitive Programming at ICPC. While Indian teams have shown great promise by reaching to World Finals but getting a medal is still something which we are still trying to achieve. But with our current talent and potential, we can and will achieve this.

At NST, we believe the potential exists, and what’s needed is structured guidance, consistent mentorship, and a platform to hone these skills under expert supervision. That’s why we created Go For Gold, a program focused on building a culture of competitive programming excellence in India, not just for one college or a year, but as a long-term initiative to make India a top contender at ICPC.

The Go For Gold Program, with the support of NST, a neo-age college program, is an institutional effort to propel competitive programming in India. With the initiative, we want to ensure India wins its first medal in the next 3 to 4-year horizon. This program aims to be the first to build a more robust, competitive ecosystem of top programmers from college and industry. We invite every student, mentor, and institution to join hands in this mission. Your involvement is not just appreciated. It's crucial to India’s rise in the global competitive programming arena.

India needs a deep culture of competitive problem. We want to make younger kids aware of Competitive Programming early. This complex undertaking would require all the hands to come together. Our initiative of Go For Gold will cover strategies to reach the programming and competitive problem culture from the early years of schooling.

NST believes that by building a vibrant programming community with proper support and guidance, we can make a change at the country level by creating a competitive culture of programming and problem-solving.

We would like to do more rigorous camps with top trainers, not just at the elite level but right from class 6th for IOI in parallel to IOITC but for larger audiences.

With IIT Kanpur announcing six seats to Computer Science and Engineering from IOI and IMO selection, the broken pipeline between IOI and ICPC will get better enhancing our chances to get a medal.

Announcing GO FOR GOLD Camp

We are hosting a 7 days offsite invite-only bootcamp to train this year aspirants for Asia West and World Finals. The contest will happen in 2 divisions

  • division 1 (ex ICPC Finalist teams and top-10 teams from prelims)
  • division 2 (top 30-40 teams from the prelims and ex-Asia west Finalist teams)

From last few years we are solving 5 problems in WF (our best rank was in 2012 where IIITH team solved 6 problems).

The div1 camp will focus on 4th — 6th problems of WF so that this year our team can solve first 5 problems fast and get enough time to solve the 6th problem (aryanc403's team solved 5 problems in 4:40 in 2021, if we could reduce this time then we can solve the 6th problem)

The div2 camps will focus on Last few problems of Asia West and first 4 problems of WF.


  • The camp is completely free for ex Finalist teams top-10 prelims teams

  • The training/material/logistics will be free for div2 and we will only charge a token amount (INR 8000 per person only for booking stay).

Are you still feeling unsure? Here is the trainer list, which we are still adding.

  1. ⁠AmirReza Pourakhavan (Arpa), 2x ICPC WF, IGM
  2. ⁠Shreyan Ray (Dominater069), IOI silver medalist, ICPC WF, IGM
  3. Aryan Choudhary (aryanc403), Asia West Champion in WF 2021, GM
  4. Utkarsh Gupta (demoralizer), 2x ICPC WF, GM
  5. ⁠Himanshu Singh (hitman623), ICPC WF, GM
  6. ⁠Priyansh Agrawal (Priyansh31dec), ICPC WF
  7. Vivek Gupta (acraider), ICPC WF, Master, 7* on Codechef
  8. Gaurish Baliga (Queue), Master on CF
  9. Deepak Gour (Enigma27), ICPC WF

⁠ Date: December 4th to December 11th 2024

Location: NST | RU Campus, Sonipat (Near Delhi)

Registration Deadline: 18th Nov 2024

Registration Link: Fill this form for interest

Update : Join the Discord community

Update 2 : Had an awesome podcast with IICPC team on the the GoForGold Camp and how to improve the overall CP culture.

Update 3 :

Since ICPC prelims will be organized again and it will be difficult for the teams to arrange for travel in short duration thus we will be selecting teams on the basis of :

1. Your past performance in ICPC Regionals/AWC/WF

2. Average rating of your team (~1800+ for div2 and ~2100+ for div1 with some advantage for 2nd/3rd year and IOI candidates)

3. If you have solved >=4 problems in the recent prelims round.

Once you fill the interest form, we will wait till ICPC prelims result and you will get either a direct invite or a meet link with IICPC team after which we will select teams. (All of this will be done before 18th of Nov)


Top 3 teams of both the divisions will get prizes

Partners and Volunteers

Thanks to Priyansh31dec and Queue for volunteering to take sessions and helping in the camp. You guys are such a good sport and will act as the examples for the current gen of aspirants to volunteer in future initiatives

Thanks s_jaskaran_s for helping in the brainstorming the ideation of the camp and working in building the amazing CP community

Thanks IICPC for amazing discussion and providing the CP perspective from the POV of current ICPC aspirants. Also thanks to volunteer in the team selection for the camp.

Thanks acraider for joining in this initiative and promoting the CP culture in India.

  • Educators

Thanks Dominater069 , demoralizer, hitman623, aryanc403, Queue, Arpa, Priyansh31dec for helping as educators and transfering your experience to the future gen.

  • Special Thanks

Thanks Ashishgup and kr_abhinav for giving some really good ideas from Alumni perspective. It was fun to be on a call and discuss the good old days with both of you.

To make this a mission, we would like to call upon all the enthusiasts and passionate people to join the camp. We will require a lot of help in preparing material and content. We would like it to be a community-driven initiative from the start. If you want to help, please fill out the form.

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5 months ago, # |
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5 months ago, # |
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Thanks for taking the initiative Deepak. I am really happy to be a part of this. Looking forward to meet the top ICPC participants and share my insights.

5 months ago, # |
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Bad timing, probably during endsems for most people. Is it possible to prepone?

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    5 months ago, # ^ |
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    We didn't want to clash it with Inter IIT and ICPC regionals that's why we decided these dates. If it's clashing with a lot of team's end-sem then we can move it a bit (it's hard because of instructors availability) as the main goal is to reach to as much students as we can.

5 months ago, # |
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i am currently in 2nd year in panjab university... should i give online preliminary round next time or this year...? bcz i am not so well prepare..and online round cost is 1100/-INR ??

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    5 months ago, # ^ |
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    If money is not the issue, then you should definitely participate to get the experience. There is college quota in ICPC so if you manage to secure top rank among your college teams in prelims.

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      5 months ago, # ^ |
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      there is no CP culture in my college.. so if i registered most likely my team would be the only one..who will registered for this year.. btw you were saying something about college quota ? i did not got that point...

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        5 months ago, # ^ |
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        See the selection criterion of the respective regionals.

5 months ago, # |
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Great initiative.

Looking forward to see it.

5 months ago, # |
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5 months ago, # |
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I just want hitman623 comeback

5 months ago, # |
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Thank you for spearheading such an inspiring initiative! Your vision and dedication are truly motivating sir and create a positive impact on everyone involved.

5 months ago, # |
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Its amazing to see how India is getting more and more into Competitive Programming. Not long ago there was the announcement of SPOI (Shortest Path to IOI). I think that it wouldn't take too long for India to perform decently in ICPC. At the same time I think that with the increased awareness about IOI to school students, more and more of them would start programming at a young age. This would create some great programmers (we already have some like Dominater, Kshitij Sodani, etc.) who could later on win a medal for India in ICPC.

4 months ago, # |
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4 months ago, # |
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Hey I really loved the podcast. Hope the camp is a good success and IICPC's Feb one too.

4 months ago, # |
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    4 months ago, # ^ |
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    UPDATE : Deadline extended as some teams wants to wait till prelims.

    Please register even if you think you won't be able to get good ranks in prelims. If you are very interested and curious then we can try something to accomodate you in the camp (maybe a new division or team formation with solo participants)

4 months ago, # |
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Let's go.......<3<3<3

4 months ago, # |
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Since, the prelims got cancelled and retest would be conducted are the dates of camp supposed to change or will it be the same?

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    4 months ago, # ^ |
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    Since ICPC prelims will be organized again and it will be difficult for the teams to arrange for travel in short duration thus we will be selecting teams on the basis of :

    1. Your past performance in ICPC Regionals/AWC/WF

    2. Average rating of your team (~1800+ for div2 and ~2100+ for div1 with some advantage for 2nd/3rd year and IOI candidates)

    3. If you have solved >=4 problems in the recent prelims round.

4 months ago, # |
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