It has been a year since our brothers and sisters in Palestine have been dying and watching their families die. With the war in Lebanon also unfolding, I wondered what I could do.
We, Algoritmi Academy, want to do the least we can to support people there. We sincerely apologize for not acting sooner.

Starting now, we will hold free weekly classes for Palestinian and Lebanese coders. Our priority will be those preparing for IOI and ICPC, but we may accept coders preparing for other goals.
To participate, register on our website and select group classes.
Our activities are not limited to one class per week; we’ll also have a monthly contest. If the number of participants grows, we’ll make two divisions to better maintain the level. For those who may struggle with English, mention it in your registration form; we may hold some classes in Arabic, too.
And finally, we want to send your strong, but injured heart a healing:
«أُذِنَ لِلَّذِينَ يُقَاتَلُونَ بِأَنَّهُمْ ظُلِمُوا وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ نَصْرِهِمْ لَقَدِيرٌ»Those who are fought against are permitted to defend themselves because they have been wronged, and God is indeed able to help them
Sincerely to all the resilient and unyielding Palestinian and Lebanese people, The Algoritmi Academy team:
- M.Mahdi: ICPC WF Bronze, APIO Gold, INOI (Iran National Olympiad in Informatics) Gold.
- Dorost, amirhoseinfar1385: IOI Silver, APIO Silver, INOI Gold.
- mosaev, AIireza: IOAI Bronze, INOI Gold.
- AliTavassoly, Hooded_Hood, amiraskarieh81, Erfan: INOI medalists.
- Arpa: ICPC WF 24th, ICPC Regional Gold.
Thank you for this great initiative!
Thank you so much for this great initiative! :)
Thank you for the opportunity!!
May God save you and your family for this valuable effort
amazing initiative!
Thank you for your support and this valuable opportunity!
Thank you so much! :D
Fully agree!
what do u want to say?
what do you want to hear?
your main
I will get politically tried and persecuted if I post on main
downvote if you are gay.
Don't add context if you do not know any.
good morning
Why you do not write you'r comments from main account? afraid of downvotes?
Great initiative
It's a great idea that shows your beautiful human sides.
Thank you for this initiative! Prayers for our brothers in Palestine & Lebanon.
Prayers to those getting caught up in wars. And hats off to you for the selfless act.
Thank you!
amazing initiative
The wars brought about by terrorism, populism and militarism are the real cancer of humanity. For in such wars, uninvolved civilians become the greatest victims.Hope for world peace.
Thank you all for your hard work!
great initiative.
Could you please also do that for Ukrainians.
When we were planning this program, we did think about that. However, there were two main reasons why we didn’t include Ukrainians this time:
There are already some programs supporting Ukrainians. For example, check this out: And also there is a camp, where I was lecturer there a few weeks ago.
We didn’t want to compromise the quality of the program by accommodating too many students. As of last night, we had over 60 registrations. We hope the war ends there and everywhere else in the world as soon as possible.
Wow! Great initiative.
Great initiative
and what about Sudanese ?
i hope Hamas will let 200 israely hostages free and then israel will stop their military operation and they stop bombing each other
A step of courage. A step for peace. <3