albeXL's blog

By albeXL, history, 5 months ago, In English

Over the years, I have been deeply involved in competitive programming, and I can confidently say that adopting a competitive mindset can lead to significant personal growth and numerous benefits when approached with the right perspective.

Today, I'd like to discuss three main aspects to consider if you're interested in incorporating more competition into your life as a means of making progress (whatever that may mean to you).

These are:

  • Recognizing that competition should be against yourself, not against others.

  • Understanding that competition brings more joy and generates more value when done as part of a team.

  • Making use of the fact that competition has two modes: the practice mode, where you strive for perfection, and the performance mode, where you execute.

If you're interested in delving deeper into these topics, I've written an article that explores them further. You can read it here.

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5 months ago, # |
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Competition is always against others. You are competing as yourself against others. It is very important to develop a hatred for everyone here so you can beat them more efficiently.

5 months ago, # |
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1st point feels more like a way of self satisfaction. I mean what's point of winning a race where you are the only one running. My point of view is that to be best you should try to compete with the best :)

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    5 months ago, # ^ |
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    You should compete with yourself and beat the person you were the day before. If you focus on this, you will beat the best and become the best.