albeXL's blog

By albeXL, history, 6 months ago, In English

I write weekly posts on computer science topics on my blog. Currently, I'm looking for collaborators who want to share their own take on any issue related to algorithms, data structures, software development, artificial intelligence, etc.

If you want to take a look at an example post to get a more grounded feeling of what this blog is about, please do so here:

If anything of the above sounds enticing, please reach out.

Update: Thanks for reaching out. To collect all your proposals in one source, please contact me at [email protected].

Have a great day,


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6 months ago, # |
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6 months ago, # |
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6 months ago, # |
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6 months ago, # |
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If I get paid yes. I'm kinda broke recently pls help

6 months ago, # |
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