SIDLP's blog

By SIDLP, history, 13 hours ago, In English

This account is an alt. My original account is purple. I'm sorry about this (and I'll never use this alt to compete again). Obviously I don't want my friends know my actual experience (except some really close ones). If someone know it's me, then I'll become a joker.

TL;DR: can I train without a coach and just for fun and reach IM/GM? How?

I'm from Shanghai, the largest city in eastern China. CP around my hometown is really popular. (e.g. Hangzhou and Nanjing) I have a coach (not personal but rather I train with ~100 students of my age.) and take lessons regularly.

Because of some awful experience with my coach (e.g. scolding the problemsetter for his OP tests loudly when I got WA in a contest and disturbing the coach) and some other reasons (some lessons coincide with other events and I rarely attend his classes live but rather watch replays) and that I don't consider participating in IOI as my main goal but rather have fun and increase the ability to solve problems and that some of his students ($$$\geq 2$$$) of the same age of mine is already IM/GM, the coach doesn't consider me as meaningful (obviously *2 I can't look into his mind and this is only an estimate) and refuses giving me harder lessons.

I consider practicing CP without a coach. (Obviously *3 I don't even consider making into the provincial team because of the lack of a coach but rather just practicing for fun.) However, is it possible to reach e.g. IM/GM without the coach?

And how do I train without him?

Or even better, how can I make my coach believe I'm still meaningful to him?

I'll be really thankful if I recieve your advice.

Extra information: In Eastern China, CP has a fully developed training system and about $$$10\%$$$ or higher students can make it to NOI (National finals, full of *3000+ problems and with at least one *3600+ problem (Yeah even the Codeforces difficulty system doesn't work on this)), if they practice CP really hard (Obviously *4 only a small portion of the original people persist and most give up). Their set of problems are different to each other but really effective.

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