AmShZ's blog

By AmShZ, 3 years ago, In English

Hi Codeforces!

Keshi, alireza_kaviani and I are delighted to invite you to participate in Codeforces Round 800 (Div. 1) and Codeforces Round 800 (Div. 2).

  • Start time: Jun/16/2022 17:35 (Moscow time)
  • Duration: $$$120$$$ minutes
  • Number of Tasks: $$$6$$$ for both divisions
  • Rated range: ($$$-\infty$$$,$$$1899$$$] for Div2, [$$$1900$$$, $$$\infty$$$) for Div1

We are honored to have set the 800th Codeforces round. We wish this wonderful platform all the best along with many other exciting rounds.

Huge thanks to the following people:

Thanks to NEAR for supporting this round, details can be found in this post.

We have worked hard to keep the statements clean and the pretests strong!

Please read all of the problems and their notes, enjoy your time and solve as many as you can! Good luck have fun to everyone!

The scoring distributions will be announced later.

UPD: Here are the scoring distributions:

  • Div. 1: 750 1000 1500 2250 2500 3000

  • Div. 2: 500 1000 1500 1750 2250 3000

UPD: Editorial is out!

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By AmShZ, history, 4 years ago, In English

Hi Codeforces!

Dio, Keshi, Tet, alireza_kaviani, Davoth, AliShahali1382 and I are delighted to invite you to participate in Codeforces Round 722 (Div. 1) and Codeforces Round 722 (Div. 2), which will be held at May/24/2021 17:35 (Moscow time). Each division will have 6 problems and 2 hours and 15 minutes to solve them.

The curse has finally been lifted! We are proud to announce that antontrygubO_o didn't reject even a single task from the Div. 1 part!

Huge thanks to the following people:

For the sake of having short statements, this round does not have a theme. The characters featured in the statements are: Soroush (Tet), Sifid (Davoth), Parsa (Dio), Nima (N.N_2004), AaParsa (AaParsa), Haj Davood (davooddkareshki), Kavi (alireza_kaviani), Keshi (Keshi), Mashtali (AliShahali1382) and AmShZ (AmShZ).

Please read all of the problems and their notes, enjoy your time and solve as many as you can! Good luck have fun to everyone!

The scoring distributions will be announced later.

UPD: Here are the scoring distributions:

  • Div. 1: 750 1000 1750 2000 2750 3000

  • Div. 2: 500 1250 1750 2000 2750 3000

UPD: Editorial is out!

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By AmShZ, history, 4 years ago, In English

l" Nowruz ", The Ancient Persian New year and the harmony of new birth of the nature,

has been celebrated for over 3000 years!

Happy new year 1400 to Iranians of all relligious and cultures and all other nations : )

(This will be also our last year of the 14th's century!)

ز کوی یار می آید نسیم باد نوروزی

ازین باد ار مدد خواهی چراغ دل برافروزی

Translation :

The fragrant breeze of the nowruz came from a friend

if desire aid from this breeze, you will kindle the lamp of your heart.

" The Iranian poet, Hafez Shirazi "

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By AmShZ, 5 years ago, In English

Hi everyone!

I'm writing this blog to give some "constructive" feedback on the current state of the tasks in the recent CF rounds. Personally speaking, I believe that tasks are becoming more and more theoretical contest after contest (by theoretical I mean tasks that are not challenging to code).

Nowadays we rarely see tasks that require algorithmic thinking or coding skills.

I personally blame this on the procedure of proposing contests, it's natural for setters to start with proposing tasks that require some coding and later on replace them with theoretical tasks (which are easier to come up with) after their first set of tasks gets rejected by the coordinators.

In fact, some setters might presume that the vast number of theoretical tasks means that they are more probable to get accepted by the coordinators.

The point I'm trying to make is that WE are the ones who are creating these tasks, therefore WE are responsible for creating this mess. Hence, I humbly request the setters to try and come up with tasks that have a rather challenging code.

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By AmShZ, history, 5 years ago, In English


First of all congrats too Codeforces community for having more than 23000 participants in an official round

If I want to be honest I'm not really okay with Codeforces right now, cause recently its servers went down a lot and even in the contests there's a queue that is really annoying, I have no idea about Codeforces problems or why they don't fix these issues but, as a participant I wanted to ask Mike Mirzayanov to solve these issues (like the one that was solved before about the queues and system test speed, thnx btw ). Cause with COVID 19 out there, I spend most of my time in Codeforces right now, I am sure that there are others that are like me.

And last but not least just wanted to end this blog by some beautiful quotes:

*Dab when you cough *Dab when you sneeze *Dab to beat coronavirus

-Paul Pogba 2020

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By AmShZ, history, 5 years ago, In English

The last contest's Codeforces Round 590 (Div. 3) was very slow; every submit, was in queuing about 10 minutes. I've lost a lot of time.

Please fix these problems :)

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By AmShZ, history, 6 years ago, In English

What's your favorite problem or contest?

Please Comment it ;)

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