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Questions about contest proposal && Polygon

Revision en1, by dapingguo8, 2020-07-18 17:29:59

Recently I prepared some problems and wrote a contest proposal which was submitted on $$$10^{th} July$$$. However, I haven't written any contests before, so I have some questions. Really appreciated if you can answer them.

$$$1$$$. How long does it take to get feedback from coordinators in average?

Today is $$$18^{th} July$$$. $$$8$$$ days has passed. It said that I will receive feedback in $$$2$$$~$$$14$$$ days, but I'm still worried. Although I believe the queue is not as big as two years ago, I'm afraid that I'll not be avaliable if the waiting time is too long (more than $$$1$$$ month)

$$$2$$$. Will I get notified if someone commented on my proposal?

$$$3$$$. Does Polygon support the $$$64$$$-bit version of C++17?

I didn't find it when I choose the language. One of my problems requires a checker which can compute even the number doesn't fit in $$$64$$$-bit integer, but under $$$128$$$-bit integer.

C++17 64bit supports __int128, which is the perfect one to use. However, if Polygon doesn't support that, I have to lower the constraints or manually implement bigint.

Thanks in advance.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English dapingguo8 2020-07-18 17:29:59 1129 Initial revision (published)