I haven't been able to submit solutions to [usaco.org](http://www.usaco.org) since yesterday. Yesterday, it said that the servers were down completely and today it's giving the error in the picture.↵
![ ](/predownloaded/7a/00/7a002285fb97de26c77d0ef6ea248bda92bbdf43.png)↵
I use↵
freopen("greedy.in", "r", stdin);↵
freopen("greedy.out", "w", stdout);↵
to print the answers and it's been working with no problems until now. Is anyone else having a similar problem ?↵
![ ](/predownloaded/7a/00/7a002285fb97de26c77d0ef6ea248bda92bbdf43.png)↵
I use↵
freopen("greedy.in", "r", stdin);↵
freopen("greedy.out", "w", stdout);↵
to print the answers and it's been working with no problems until now. Is anyone else having a similar problem ?↵