Open Problems in Algorithms Research for Ph.D. at Indiana University

Revision en2, by yaroslavtsev, 2016-08-05 21:23:29

Hi all,

This is a follow-up on my previous blog post about Ph.D. positions in Algorithms and Machine Learning at Indiana University, USA ( For the details about the application process see the original post and this link: (deadline for full applications is Jan 01, 2017).

Since that post generated some interest I have compiled a list of possible open problems in algorithms research to consider during a Ph.D.: It is also intended to give one a sense of how modern research in algorithms looks like.

Please, note that most of these problems are quite hard and have been studied by many researchers in the past. While I encourage you to send me solutions I can't promise to reply to your e-mail unless one of the following two conditions holds: 1) You have clearly resolved the problem. 2) You made some progress and/or have questions AND are applying for a Ph.D. position at Indiana University during this application cycle.

Good luck!

-- Best, Grigory

Tags algorithms, research, ph.d.


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en5 English yaroslavtsev 2016-08-12 17:41:10 8 Tiny change: 'ations is Jan 01, 2017).\n\nSinc' -> 'ations is Dec 01, 2016).\n\nSinc'
en4 English yaroslavtsev 2016-08-05 22:26:57 284 (published)
en3 English yaroslavtsev 2016-08-05 22:24:51 1 Tiny change: 'ntry/45559). For the' -> 'ntry/45559 ). For the' (saved to drafts)
en2 English yaroslavtsev 2016-08-05 21:23:29 20 Tiny change: ',\nGrigory' -> ',\nGrigory\'
en1 English yaroslavtsev 2016-08-05 21:20:14 1173 Initial revision (published)