Whalica's blog

By Whalica, history, 3 hours ago, In English

*I am not very good at English, so I apologize for using a translator.

How to become Specialist?

I am a freshman in college and have just started learning how to participate in online programming competitions. I try my best to participate in all the competitions on CodeForces to improve my skills, but I have found that I can only solve one or two questions in many competitions, which has caused my rating to go up and down. My question is: How can I steadily improve my programming skills and ratings? I am seeking your assistance.

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3 hours ago, # |
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Theres way too many videos on youtube for rating boosting

3 hours ago, # |
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Theres way too many videos on youtube for increasing your rating

2 hours ago, # |
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solve 1400-1600 rated problems even 70-80 would be enough to get you to cyan

114 minutes ago, # |
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try solving archive 1400-1600 by ascending order then, when you solved enough problems you should try to solve without order. Also, if you're struggling on the problem more than 30 minutes you can solve it with editorial

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    98 minutes ago, # ^ |
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    That's clear.And I think most of the time, I just know that the solution in editorial will produce the correct answer, but I cannot guarantee that I will be able to tell at a glance what to do next time I encounter the same problem.What should I do int that case?

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      20 minutes ago, # ^ |
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      try understanding editorials better, think about the solution deeper

92 minutes ago, # |
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Try to improve your presence of mind during contest, ofc practice helps but only practice won't

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    88 minutes ago, # ^ |
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    Actually.I have been very concerned about my rating in recent competitions.Maybe I shouldn't be paying so much attention to this.

59 minutes ago, # |
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the easiest way to become spec is cheating but if you want to spec with your own power try to solve prewious contests and usually try to solve a b c in div3 or div2 and try to solve a in div1 and try to solve a b c d maybe e in div4 if you do this usually you will became spec if you don't became spec that says that you are noob hdhd i am joking Even being an pupil is a sign of your strength. Good luck and happy coding.

42 minutes ago, # |
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And also, don't try to look at the solution too often when you can't write a question, it reduces your ability to think when you see an already difficult question :)