the pashka interview — Competitive Programming Podcast

Revision en1, by MladenP, 2025-03-19 12:12:11

A lot of you guessed correctly that the next guest is pashka! He's the 2004 ICPC World Champion and World-Class Algorithm teacher, with a free course that has helped tens of thousands of people online.

We talked about about his 30+ year experience in Competitive Programming, how he keeps in good form for so long, how he became a teacher and he gives us some tips for Competitive Programming from a teacher's perspective.

I hope you'll enjoy it! Let Pavel know if the comments how he has helped you on your CP journey, I'm sure he'd like to know :)

Our previous podcasts in case you missed them:

P.S I don't have new podcasts planned for the very near future (1-2 months, though something might pop up!). We'll be experimenting with some other formats that hopefully give you value. Let me know which of these sound interesting (you can choose multiple if you like them):

  1. Onsite Competition Vlogs
  2. Stories/Lore from the world of competitive programming (personal and global)
  3. Tips from a coach
  4. Competitive programming challenges, quizzes, games...
Tags cpp, podcast, interview, pashka


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English MladenP 2025-03-19 12:12:11 1835 Initial revision (published)