CF Problem Insights — A Chrome Extension to Enhance Your Codeforces Practice

Правка en6, от Krutish_Raval, 2025-02-08 15:52:40

Practicing on Codeforces is crucial for improving competitive programming skills, but it lacks some flexibility. Problems don't get official ratings immediately after a contest, making difficulty assessment harder. Additionally, problem tags may give unintended hints, affecting unbiased problem-solving.

To address this, I present CF Problem Insights, a Chrome extension designed to refine your problem-solving experience. It offers estimated problem ratings before official ratings are released and lets you hide/show problem tags individually, ensuring unbiased practice.


Estimated Problem Rating

  • Fetches and displays estimated problem ratings from Clist on the problem page below problem tags.
  • Helps users gauge problem difficulty before actual ratings are released.
  • Allows users to compare estimated ratings with actual ratings once they are available.

Hide/Reveal Tags & Ratings

  • Hide problem tags and ratings to avoid biases while practicing.
  • Users can click on each tag to reveal or hide it individually.
  • Enhances problem-solving by allowing a more self-assessed approach without prior hints.
  • Works seamlessly with Codeforces UI, integrating naturally into problem pages.

Sort Tags by User Activity

  • Tags are sorted based on the number of problems solved per tag.
  • Users will be able to judge how well they can solve a particular type of problem tag at a given rating, helping them focus on areas needing improvement and understand their strength in solving such problems.


  1. Click on the link CF Problem Insights, which will redirect you to the Chrome Web Store. Then, click Add to Chrome to install the extension.


To help users understand how the extension works visually:

Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:

GitHub Repository

Open Source and Community Contribution

This extension is open source, free forever, and open to contributions . If you have ideas for new features or improvements, feel free to contribute! Any feedback for this extension is appreciated.Do write how you feel about this extension in the discussion below! Thank You!

Теги chome extension, problem tags, problem rating


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en9 Английский Krutish_Raval 2025-02-08 16:13:37 0 (published)
en8 Английский Krutish_Raval 2025-02-08 16:10:32 63
en7 Английский Krutish_Raval 2025-02-08 15:53:51 105
en6 Английский Krutish_Raval 2025-02-08 15:52:40 156
en5 Английский Krutish_Raval 2025-02-08 15:41:19 1057
en4 Английский Krutish_Raval 2025-02-08 14:44:00 1031
en3 Английский Krutish_Raval 2025-02-08 14:17:22 1725
en2 Английский Krutish_Raval 2025-02-08 14:09:45 2176
en1 Английский Krutish_Raval 2025-02-08 13:46:14 765 Initial revision (saved to drafts)