CS and competitive programming

Revision en2, by wardali, 2024-12-17 21:07:06

yesterday i was on reddit and i saw a post , the OP was asking about how to start his journey in competitive programming (codeforces, leetcode....) and then said he is in CS and that's why he needs to start that journey , I was like who the fuck needs competitive programming skills in fucking Counter Strike . if you're a CS player tell me did it benefit you in anyway ?

Tags #meme, #joke


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English wardali 2024-12-17 21:07:06 36 Tiny change: 'CS player why do you need it ?' -> 'CS player tell me did it benefit you in anyway ?'
en1 English wardali 2024-12-17 21:05:49 387 Initial revision (published)