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Exposing Cheaters is fun !!!

Revision en1, by _Randooom_, 2024-11-23 20:34:29

Hi codeforces

My last blog was downvoted even though it was very informative, so I am here for a rematch. Let's start
As you know right now, CodeTON round 9 is going on, obviously there would be cheaters. So I did what most of people desire to do.
I got inside one of this groups and promised solutions for free, honestly I was shocked by 30 people writing me per minute. I told them that they could have the solution only if they show me their submissions page, so I could "see myself". Not all believed, not all leaked their accounts, but there were a lot of stupid ones who just gave themselves out: Ahmed05, SerajOmar, shivg374, zihad535, itrajeevranjan, ParadoxicalAce, Sarthak_Sach, banikparishmita, parishmitabanik616, Aries_Casper_175, Level10Gyatt, sabbirahmedfahim, MJbhai, gimedo8149.

I took the investigation deeper:

There was this channel he was very smooth, he didn't even show his top edge once in this contest, but I found a video in which he reveals one of his accounts Coder_Sabbir, I though that was it but after seeing another video I saw that now his account is Coder_Area, now I got it all he has more than one account, so I wanted to find most of his accounts but I gave up after 5th one. Cheaters like him are rotten to their core and nothing can change them.
But lets get back to telegram cheaters. Today I meat one of the ( if not the ) politest cheater ever Sarthak_Sach: I did make fun of him
but he didn't even get angry, then this happens:
hahahaha, I guess bro really tried hard not to cheat.

Ofcourse creating new accounts is easy, but achieving everything again is not, that is why I want them banned, even though they can create a new account, they will be forces to start from the very begining.

If you want I can leak the group and every cheater telegram, so we could take them down, but there always would be other ones

MikeMirzayanov, KAN, and the contest authors: YouKn0wWho and wuhudsm it would be nice if you take action.

Tags cheat, telegram


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English _Randooom_ 2024-11-24 07:13:12 47 Tiny change: 'count, so I wanted t' -> 'count, so , [user:megatronn]I wanted t'
en1 English _Randooom_ 2024-11-23 20:34:29 3024 Initial revision (published)