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A string matching problem

Revision en3, by 5k_sync_closer, 2024-09-18 16:19:14

My IP has been banned from luogu for some reason, so I'm asking this question on CF.


If string S and T with same length has $$$k$$$ or less different characters, we say S matches T,

then if A and B are given, how to find every substring of A that matches B?

My English is poor, so there would be some grammar mistakes, but I think u can understand what I mean.

I don't need trivial solutions such as $$$O(n^2)$$$ (brute) or $$$O(nk\log n)$$$ (hash) or $$$O(\dfrac{n^2\Sigma}w)$$$ (bitset, probably not faster than brute).


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English 5k_sync_closer 2024-09-18 16:19:14 68 Tiny change: 'dfrac{n^2\sigma}w)$ (' -> 'dfrac{n^2\Sigma}w)$ ('
en2 English 5k_sync_closer 2024-09-18 16:15:16 84
en1 English 5k_sync_closer 2024-09-18 16:13:28 403 Initial revision (published)