Hello Muscat 2023

Правка en2, от Harbour.Space, 2022-12-23 11:51:09

Hello, Codeforces!

We are pleased to announce the second “Hello Muscat 2023” ICPC programming bootcamp, the continuation of the “Hello” bootcamp series, organised by Harbour.Space University, in collaboration with PhazeRo, Gutech, UK Oman Digital Club, Leagues of Code, Gutech CS Club and Codeforces!

We are inviting all of you to join us from March 8th to March 16th, 2023 in Muscat, Oman for an intense 8 days of programming! It is not only a great opportunity to train but also a chance to discover a new amazing country. There are many reasons why you must visit Oman at least once in your life, from its great people to its natural beauty and surrounding peace. March is an especially great time to visit Oman if you want to enjoy nice beach weather — don’t miss it!

As always, we can’t wait to see you there to learn, practice and compete on the international stage, smoothing your road towards the joined World Finals 2022 and 2023 in Egypt!


Our coaching line-up combines talent and experience, featuring ICPC world champions winners and finalists, as well as legendary names from the field of competitive programming: Mike Mirzayanov MikeMirzayanov, Kamil Debowski Errichto, Yahor Dubovik 244mhq, Artem Plotkin Rox, Maksym Oboznyi MaksymOboznyi and Nikolay Budin budalnik.

It will be an amazing opportunity for teams from all over the world to learn from these well-known and successful coaches in the ICPC world!

The Bootcamp will be split into three divisions:

  • Division A. Division A will be a mirror of the Petrozavodsk Programming Camp. Suitable for teams who already qualified for the world finals ICPC or are aiming that high. Participants of division A will be solving contests in the same conditions as a real competition to perform with more confidence in the ICPC world finals.

  • Division B. Designed to help teams prepare for the next season of ICPC regional competitions. Appropriate as an introduction for teams and students just getting their foot in the door of the world of ICPC and competitive programming competitions in general. Division B will have thematic contests and lectures.

  • Division C. Designed for newcomers to the world of ICPC competitive programming. For those with a handle on the basics but want to compete in future competitions and possible regionals, this division is the perfect starting point.

Types of participation: On-Site and Online

We believe that participation in our Bootcamp should be accessible by all teams wherever they are and that is why we made onsite and online types of participation.

20% Early Bird Discount is offered to universities and participants who register and pay before Jan 31st 2023.


Price: 1500 € — 1200 €

What is included:

  • Training
  • Contests
  • Access to the recordings of the lectures
  • Accommodation for 9 nights in a 4 star hotel Mysk
  • Breakfast and Lunch
  • Transfer from hotel to venue every day
  • Leisure, entertainment
  • Welcome pack

Price: 100 € — 80 €

What is included:

  • Training
  • Contests
  • Access to the recordings of the lectures

Learn more about Hello Muscat 2023→

You can ask any questions by email: [email protected]

Теги oman, training camp, hello oman


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en4 Английский MikeMirzayanov 2022-12-23 16:38:29 43 Tiny change: '2-12-22], Kamil Debowski [user:Errichto,2022-12-22], ' -> '2-12-22], '
ru1 Русский Harbour.Space 2022-12-23 11:51:42 4764 Первая редакция перевода на Русский
en3 Английский Harbour.Space 2022-12-23 11:51:27 0 (published)
en2 Английский Harbour.Space 2022-12-23 11:51:09 6 Tiny change: '/font>**! But it is not o' -> '/font>**! It is not o'
en1 Английский Harbour.Space 2022-12-22 21:35:24 4768 Initial revision (saved to drafts)