Hi, can anyone please help me with this problem: https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-number-of-books-you-can-take/ I've come up with a working brute force approach (TLE): ```
// Time O(N^2) long long maximumBooks(vector<int>& books) { long long res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)books.size(); i++) { long long currentSum = 0; int lastVal = INT_MAX; for (int j = i; j >= 0; j--) { if (books[j] >= lastVal) { lastVal--; currentSum = (lastVal > 0) ? currentSum + lastVal : currentSum; } else { currentSum += books[j]; lastVal = books[j]; } } res = max(res, currentSum); } return res; }
However, this problem can be solved in linear time according to this post: https://leetcode.com/problems/maximum-number-of-books-you-can-take/discuss/2508360/Java-O(n)-DP-%2B-Monotonic-Stack-oror-Beats-73-time-and-space-oror-Explanation-with-comments But I'm unable to understand how to calculate the summation as mentioned in the article Could someone please clarify/explain the linear time solution in plain English?