Hello Guys!
I think everyone who is on this site in one way or another likes to solve problems! So I would like to offer you a little competition :)
All you need is just to:
Write your goal you would like to achieve before new year, current rating and the number of solved problems.
Solve many different interesting tasks and raise your rating in the rounds until the new year!
In the new year, I will write all the progress of each of the users who participate in a new post, and we can start the new year with new ideas!
(List will be updated) Participants:
swiftqwq, lis05, freehandle, ntherner, lmcutezzz,
Candidate Masters
TimDee, __builtin_gjr, blitztage, Borgov, thanhchauns2,
Marinush, adityagamer, Jeffin, Plums, cosenza, saturnbored, the0dd1out, Virendra115, rakkoon69, Pieck, FenWick, Hamroz_JONN, Believer., haochenkang, aditya_108, Sanam007, Sanam007, Sanam007, sethi_raghav, ammar2000,
quagmire, FatihCihan, FiniteMoves, FiniteMoves, TesterArnav, Ayushman_123, kinnikuma, nsqrtlog, nsqrtlog, steveonalex, Rudro25, __BlueBerry__, Yor_, pakkapapad, nirav114, abhishek_1912, zero_bitches, Life_Is_A_Game, Life_Is_A_Game, Life_Is_A_Game, Life_Is_A_Game, mnkp, apt_dpd, bhagya_rana, ssvb, ssvb, ssvb, rana2001shubham, aphex, prateeek123, iamgaurav_, uchiha_itachi_99,
Tkm_algo, Phuong0703, Abito, AlokKT105, callmegupta, Bourbon_Man, NotSauravBharti, zwu2021014661, IanISam, TheOpChicken123, Isothermal_, SirPh, _Hridoy, _Hridoy, AnujJha, coder_nsit, dheeraj, nisarg_a19, Batman_love_dp, Batman_love_dp, Tanisha25, krow_drah, Koyote, alimoo, Abracadaber, amul02, amul02, Muhammad-Saram, sarthak_dms, vitosevski, someone_lunatic_lyk_hell, ExpertBy2023, Sidaksh, Swift_Star, sjain8078, NellerP21, drkspark, Evan_Shareef, _MASTER__, yusufazam225, cseshamim47, Neffus, neo69, General_Relativity,
shraddha_pandey_1700, shraddha_pandey_1700, praveenkum1102, pranav_parihar11, ASawe2.6Main, ANJACE, OmarioVIC, yashsain, __the__, Ghaith, Simran_14Feb, Sai_D_Coder, Vegeks, KareemBenzeema, AntennaeVY, _ASIF, cool_bud, cool_bud, arnavwinner, parasNAGPAL99, H3X460N157, puspendra_09, Aditya0679, xogeetesh, kaushik_garg, Sung_Jinwoo, Yermanov, Ertugrul, CalukFaFa, arduR, The_fallen_emperor, kyouk0, TheDepressedOne, Grim_Reaper131719, mkshh, gokulraaj59, cozy_penguin, Shivam14, asadcoder, Sabhya, Sabhya, maditya01, anub_12, 32bitThug, fatihfaizi, Taj_1788, shiv99265, dbest, pr0Loser, probablegame, jaridavi0055, jaridavi0055, candidatemaster2yr, Riddles, N4_bo0, nightiefury1720, sarveshgr2