Hi, I am writing my bachelor thesis and I came across a study which mentions finding a 2-3 subgraph and a 3-4 subgraph of an undirected graph as one of its subtask but it doesn't mention an algorithm to do it but it just says that it is done using DFS.
I couldn't really find anything useful online solving these problems.
A 2-3 subgraph is a subgraph where each node has degree 2 or 3 in this subgraph (we remove edges which go to nodes outside the subgraph) and our task is to find a maximal 2-3 subgraph (it doesn't have to be maxmimum in terms of size just that we can't add another node to it). A 3-4 subgraph is just the same but with 3 and 4.
Can anyone help by describing an algorithm or linking an article/paper?