Looking at language statistics in last rounds I have wondered why so many Java and so extremely low Kotlin coders?
Kotlin, in rude of sense, is modern replace for Java.
If you are Java-coder then I am curious why you not change Java to Kotlin?
I don't want to note basic advantages of Kotlin which described everywhere. But it is language with modern syntax, and I think it is cool for cp almost as Python. I have more than one year experience of coding in Kotlin (but not cp!!), and I can describe my feelings as "I will never write even single line again in Java".
comparators data class Segment(val l: Int, val r: Int, val id: Int) ... segments.sortWith(compareBy<Segment> { it.l } .thenByDescending { it.r } .thenBy { it.id } )
modulo function val MOD = (1e9 + 7).toInt() println((-1).mod(MOD)) println(((MOD-1L)*(MOD-2L)).mod(MOD))
custom extensions ```