Hello Coders,↵
Recently In online test of BNY company these two questions were asked. It will be great if someone can give approach to solve these questions.↵
1. Given two arrays of integer A and B of length n. We have to choose k indexes such that ↵
**min(Sum of elements of A at chosen indexes, sum of elements of B at chosen indexes)** is maximized. We have to return that maximum sum.↵
2. Given integer array A of length n. Initially our power will be 0. Now in one operation we can choose two indexes i and j, i != j. Now we can add **A[i] ^ A[j]** to power and have to remove any one element. So after n — 1 operation we will be left with only 1 element. At that point we have to stop the process. We have to return what is the maximum power we can collect.↵
**1 <= n <= 1000**↵
**1 <= A[i] <= 10^9**
Recently In online test of BNY company these two questions were asked. It will be great if someone can give approach to solve these questions.↵
1. Given two arrays of integer A and B of length n. We have to choose k indexes such that ↵
**min(Sum of elements of A at chosen indexes, sum of elements of B at chosen indexes)** is maximized. We have to return that maximum sum.↵
2. Given integer array A of length n. Initially our power will be 0. Now in one operation we can choose two indexes i and j, i != j. Now we can add **A[i] ^ A[j]** to power and have to remove any one element. So after n — 1 operation we will be left with only 1 element. At that point we have to stop the process. We have to return what is the maximum power we can collect.↵
**1 <= n <= 1000**↵
**1 <= A[i] <= 10^9**