By KAN, 7 years ago, translation, In English

Hello everybody!

Today, on March 4th 2018 the final round of Technocup olympiad for Russian-speaking high school students is held. The round starts at 11:30 Moscow time.

After the round starts, you can watch the current results.

For those who want to compete on the same problems, we will host two Codeforces rounds: one for the first, and one for the second division. The rounds will start at 15:35 UTC, don't miss them!

If you compete in the Final Round today, you can't compete in the rounds at evening.

The problems are prepared by Endagorion, komendart, rationalex, AndreySergunin, fcspartakm, MikeMirzayanov and me. For testing the problems many thanks to demon1999, Belonogov, vintage_Vlad_Makeev, adedalic, budalnik, GreenGrape, Neon! Also many thanks to vintage_Vlad_Makeev for his help in hosting the round at Codeforces!

P.S. Because of the olympiad, some Codeforces features may be disabled today.

Good luck!

UPD: Congratulations to Technocup winners!

  1. qoo2p5
  2. dima_z
  3. 300iq

Congratulations to winners of Codeforces rounds!

First division:

  1. V--o_o--V
  2. Petr
  3. Merkurev
  4. Benq
  5. dotorya

Second division:

  1. Deanamic_Programming
  2. kiber
  3. shad0w_walker
  4. Vitalya
  5. Geothermal

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By vintage_Vlad_Makeev, history, 7 years ago, translation, In English

Hi all!

This weekend, at 14:05 UTC on December 23rd we will hold Codeforces Round 454. It is based on problems of Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 4 that will be held at the same time.

Technocup is a major olympiad for Russian-speaking high-school students, so if you fall into this category, please register at Technocup 2018 website and take part in the Elimination Round.

I would like to thank veschii_nevstrui, adamant and DPR-pavlin who authored and prepared problems for Technocup and ifsmirnov, Kostroma, winger, AlexFetisov, 300iq for testing the round.

Div. 1 and Div.2 editions are open and rated for everyone. Register and enjoy the contests!

Congratulations to the winners!


  1. ---------

  2. I_love_Palindromic_Tree

  3. iakovlev.zakhar

  4. IsmagilS

  5. DCNick3

Div. 1:

  1. jqdai0815

  2. Radewoosh

  3. Swistakk

  4. Um_nik

  5. consecutivelimit

Div. 2:

  1. Kammola

  2. ehnryx

  3. LifeCracker

  4. emoairx

  5. laofudasuanbaofushehui

UPD: Editorial

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By KAN, 7 years ago, translation, In English

Hi all!

This weekend, at 16:05 UTC on November 12th, 2017 we will hold Codeforces Round 445. It is based on problems of Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 3 that will be held at the same time.

Technocup is a major olympiad for Russian-speaking high-school students, so if you fall into this category, please register at Technocup 2018 website and take part in the Elimination Round.

I want to thank MrKaStep, komendart, veschii_nevstrui, bixind, AndreySergunin and DPR-pavlin, who authored and prepared problems for Technocup, and Lewin, who kindly suggested the last problem. I also want to thank zemen and AlexFetisov for testing the round.

Div. 1 and Div.2 editions are open and rated for everyone. Register and enjoy the contests!

UPD: We apologize that we run into technical issues during the round. The round will be unrated. I hope you liked the problems.

Anyway, congratulations to winners!

Технокубок 2018 - Отборочный Раунд 3

  1. potapov_al
  2. 300iq
  3. qoo2p5
  4. Vosatorp
  5. manoprenko

Codeforces Round 445 (Div. 1, based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 3)

  1. V--o_o--V
  2. Petr
  3. Um_nik
  4. SirShokoladina
  5. LHiC

Codeforces Round 445 (Div. 2, based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 3)

  1. mosthenio
  2. Ingus
  3. paulsohn
  4. xX_ucfNOTpt_Xx
  5. Omar_Morsi

Editorial is published.

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By MikeMirzayanov, 7 years ago, In English

Codeforces Round 440 will start on October 15 (Sunday), 08:05 (UTC). It will be based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 2. So, if you are a Russian-speaking high-school student, please take part in the Technocup 2018.

Codeforces Round 440 is open and rated for everyone.

Wish you good luck and bugless code.

Editorial is posted.

Congratulations to winners!

Technocup official round:

  1. Mikhniuk
  2. scanhex
  3. Krisha
  4. lis
  5. FalseMirror

Div. 1:

  1. khadaev
  2. Errichto
  3. eddy1021
  4. FizzyDavid
  5. fateice

Div. 2:

  1. wdmmsyf
  2. Legilimens2023
  3. destinydrifter
  4. oscar114514
  5. OMS

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By MikeMirzayanov, 7 years ago, translation, In English

I apologize to the participants of the round. It happened that I accidentally had run improper script and it rebooted the judging machines. It is very insulting, because most problems were proposed by me and I hoped to host an interesting competition for you. A lot of effort was spent on preparation. Apparently, the mistake of just such a human character happened for the first time. I really hope not to repeat it in the future.


Want problems? We have some!

Codeforces Round 434 will start on September 17 (Sunday), 13:05 (UTC). It will be based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 1. So, if you are a Russian-speaking high-school student, please take part in the Technocup 2018.

Many thanks to KAN, vovuh, Neon, ifsmirnov, irkstepanov and WHITE2302 for their help in round preparation. Some problem ideas are mine.

I hope you will like problems. There will be 6 problems in div. 2 and 5 problems in div. 1.

Wish you good luck and bugless code.

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By MikeMirzayanov, history, 7 years ago, In Russian

Mail.Ru Group совместно с МФТИ, МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана и Codeforces в третий раз запускает Технокубок — совместную олимпиаду по программированию для школьников. В этом учебном году олимпиада вошла в перечень олимпиад школьников, повысив свой уровень до второго — круг учебных заведений, дающих льготы победителям и призерам, значительно расширился. Лучшие участники получат ценные призы от компании Apple.

Сразиться за звание самого талантливого молодого программиста приглашаются учащиеся средних образовательных учреждений 8 — 11 классов.

Победители и призеры олимпиады будут определены по результатам очного этапа, который будет проведен в Москве весной 2018 года на базе площадок МГТУ им. Н.Э.Баумана и МФТИ.

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