By Aris, history, 2 years ago, translation, In English

Hello! Codeforces Round 820 (Div. 3) will start at Sep/12/2022 17:35 (Moscow time). You will be offered 6-8 problems with expected difficulties to compose an interesting competition for participants with ratings up to 1600. However, all of you who wish to take part and have a rating of 1600 or higher, can register for the round unofficially.

The round will be hosted by rules of educational rounds (extended ICPC). Thus, solutions will be judged on preliminary tests during the round, and after the round, it will be a 12-hour phase of open hacks.

You will be given 6-8 problems and 2 hours and 15 minutes to solve them. One of the problems in this round is interactive. Don't forget to read the guide on interactive problems.

Note that the penalty for the wrong submission in this round is 10 minutes.

Remember that only the trusted participants of the third division will be included in the official standings table. As it is written by link, this is a compulsory measure for combating unsporting behavior. To qualify as a trusted participant of the third division, you must:

  • take part in at least five rated rounds (and solve at least one problem in each of them)
  • do not have a point of 1900 or higher in the rating.

Regardless of whether you are a trusted participant of the third division or not, if your rating is less than 1600, then the round will be rated for you.

Thanks to MikeMirzayanov for the platform, help with ideas for problems and for coordination of our work. Problems have been created and written by ITMO University team: MikeMirzayanov, myav, Gol_D, Aris, Gornak40, KwisatzCoderach and Vladosiya.

We would like to thank: Kniaz, BledDest, Svyat, Be_dos, Timur2006, FelixDzerzhinsky, alphabet321, FedShat, vsinitsynav, Jostic11, erankyun, _Roma_, KKT_89, ABalobanov, lightseba, powergee101, DafuQ_o and AshrafEzz for testing the contest and valuable feedback. List of testers will be updated.

Good luck!

UPD 1:

We are in the middle of the round (and missing Gornak40 and Gol_D).

UPD 2: Editorial

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By awoo, history, 2 years ago, translation, In English

Hello Codeforces!

On Sep/08/2022 17:35 (Moscow time) Educational Codeforces Round 135 (Rated for Div. 2) will start.

Series of Educational Rounds continue being held as Harbour.Space University initiative! You can read the details about the cooperation between Harbour.Space University and Codeforces in the blog post.

This round will be rated for the participants with rating lower than 2100. It will be held on extended ICPC rules. The penalty for each incorrect submission until the submission with a full solution is 10 minutes. After the end of the contest you will have 12 hours to hack any solution you want. You will have access to copy any solution and test it locally.

You will be given 6 or 7 problems and 2 hours to solve them.

The problems were invented and prepared by Adilbek adedalic Dalabaev, Vladimir vovuh Petrov, Ivan BledDest Androsov, Maksim Neon Mescheryakov and me. Also huge thanks to Mike MikeMirzayanov Mirzayanov for great systems Polygon and Codeforces.

Good luck to all the participants!

UPD: Editorial is out

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By KAN, 2 years ago, translation, In English

Hello Codeforces.

Unfortunately a few hours after the end of Round #819 we were pointed out that one of the problems was stolen from another online judge.

Codeforces team strongly condemns such an action from the author. By no means is this acceptable behavior. This is the first and the most important rule of problem making: your problem should be new up to your best knowledge.

A lot of people put lots of effort into creation of every single round. You can find these people mentioned in the announcements and they indeed deserve these acknowledgments. And yet a single cowardly decision can ruin this huge work and experience of thousands of participants.

In this particular case the copied problem was not widely known, and it seems that this made little or no impact on the course of the round. Nevertheless, we stick to the decision that in such case the round cannot be considered successful, and thus no rating changes can be applied. We will also remove the problem from the round and from the problemset as well as blacklist the author.

We hope that this case will be a lesson for future authors and this situation does not repeat in the future.

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By Newtech66, 2 years ago, In English

Hello Codeforces!

Grimoire of Code, the official Competitive Programming club of IIT Kharagpur, is happy to invite everyone to take part in Codeforces Round 819 (Div. 1 + Div. 2) and Grimoire of Code Annual Contest 2022 which will take place on Sep/06/2022 17:35 (Moscow time). This round will be rated for everyone.

You will be given 8 problems and 2 hours 15 minutes to solve them.

The problems have been authored and prepared by Grimoire of Code members Anubhav anubhavdhar Dhar, Debajyoti little_angel Dasgupta, and Mainak Newtech66 Roy.

We'd like to thank all the people who made this round possible:

We hope everyone will enjoy the contest.

See you on the leaderboard!

About Grimoire of Code:

Grimoire of Code is the official Competitive Programming club of IIT Kharagpur created by and for competitive programming enthusiasts. We promote competitive programming culture in our college, and provide a forum for interested minds to discuss their thoughts and ideas. We also conduct mock coding rounds for placements and internships in Indian colleges.

You can check out our Facebook page here.

You can check out the problems from last year's Annual Contest here.


UPD1: The contest duration has been extended to 2 hours 15 minutes.

UPD2: Score distribution: $$$500-1000-1500-2000-2250-2750-3250-3500$$$

UPD3: Congratulations to the winners!

  1. Benq
  2. tourist
  3. jiangly
  4. Maksim1744
  5. kotatsugame
  6. tatyam
  7. TLEwpdus
  8. gyh20
  9. turmax
  10. Radewoosh

UPD4: Editorial (editorial for F will be added soon) It is now added.

UPD5: The contest is unrated due to problem copying. Details.

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By steven.novaryo, history, 2 years ago, In English


Hello, Codeforces! 🤗

We are happy to invite you to participate in COMPFEST 14 Preliminary Online Mirror (Unrated, ICPC Rules, Teams Preferred) on . COMPFEST is a national ICPC-style contest for university students in Indonesia.

The problems are written and prepared by Pyqe, steven.novaryo, Nyse, muhammadhasan01, gansixeneh, nandonathaniel, FerdiHS, TakeMe, and NeoZap.

We would also like to thank:

  • KAN for helping to host the mirror round;
  • rama_pang (rama_pang, tzaph_, Berted), pengzoo (DishonoredRighteous, golikovnik), bukanYohandi, bry_rp, Drew_, and david.alexander01 for testing the contest and providing us very useful feedback;
  • Universitas Indonesia, all the local committees, administrators, and managers of the whole COMPFEST event;
  • prabowo for existing;
  • fushar for the Judgels platform used in the official contest; and finally
  • MikeMirzayanov for the amazing Codeforces and Polygon platform!
  • Extra thanks for Pyqe for the dedication and effort 💪 in COMPFEST 14, as without him, the contest would not exist.

The contest will last for 5 hours and consist of 13 problems. While it is preferred to participate in a team, individual participation is also allowed. The problems themselves are expected to be easier than ICPC Regional contest.

COMPFEST itself is an annual event hosted by Universitas Indonesia. It is the largest student-run IT event in Indonesia and competitive programming contest is one of the competitions hosted.

We hope you will enjoy and have fun in the contest. Good luck!!

UPD: Editorial is up!!

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By mesanu, 3 years ago, In English

Hello Codeforces!

flamestorm, MikeMirzayanov and I want to invite you to Codeforces Round 817 (Div. 4).

It starts on Aug/30/2022 17:50 (Moscow time).

The format of the event will be identical to Div. 3 rounds:

  • 5-8 tasks;
  • ICPC rules with a penalty of 10 minutes for an incorrect submission;
  • 12-hour phase of open hacks after the end of the round (hacks do not give additional points)
  • after the end of the open hacking phase, all solutions will be tested on the updated set of tests, and the ratings recalculated
  • by default, only "trusted" participants are shown in the results table (but the rating will be recalculated for all with initial ratings less than 1400 or you are an unrated participant/newcomer).

We urge participants whose rating is 1400+ not to register new accounts for the purpose of narcissism but to take part unofficially. Please do not spoil the contest for the official participants.

Only trusted participants of the fourth division will be included in the official standings table. This is a forced measure for combating unsporting behaviour. To qualify as a trusted participant of the fourth division, you must:

  • take part in at least five rated rounds (and solve at least one problem in each of them),
  • do not have a point of 1400 or higher in the rating.

Regardless of whether you are a trusted participant of the fourth division or not, if your rating is less than 1400 (or you are a newcomer/unrated), then the round will be rated for you.

Many thanks to the testers: sandry24, SlavicG, tibinyte2006, Gheal, qwexd, haochenkang, TimDee.

We suggest reading all of the problems and hope you will find them interesting!

Good Luck!

UPD 1: The contest is delayed by 15 minutes.

UPD 2: The opinions of testers about the order of problems are very contradictory. Please do not rely heavily on the order of problems in the round and read all the problems. Good luck!

UPD 3: Editorial is out!

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By awoo, history, 3 years ago, translation, In English

Hello Codeforces!

On Aug/27/2022 17:35 (Moscow time) Educational Codeforces Round 134 (Rated for Div. 2) will start.

Series of Educational Rounds continue being held as Harbour.Space University initiative! You can read the details about the cooperation between Harbour.Space University and Codeforces in the blog post.

This round will be rated for the participants with rating lower than 2100. It will be held on extended ICPC rules. The penalty for each incorrect submission until the submission with a full solution is 10 minutes. After the end of the contest you will have 12 hours to hack any solution you want. You will have access to copy any solution and test it locally.

You will be given 6 or 7 problems and 2 hours to solve them.

The problems were invented and prepared by Adilbek adedalic Dalabaev, Vladimir vovuh Petrov, Ivan BledDest Androsov, Maksim Neon Mescheryakov and me. Also huge thanks to Mike MikeMirzayanov Mirzayanov for great systems Polygon and Codeforces.

Good luck to all the participants!

Our friends at Harbour.Space also have a message for you:



Harbour.Space University has partnered with Vodafone Business, a company rich in tradition that specializes in telecommunications and with Oneragtime, a fund-as-a-platform specialized in sourcing, financing and scaling early-stage tech startups from across Europe, to offer motivated tech talents Master’s degree scholarships in Data Science and Front-end Development with combination of work experience.

Candidates will be working on the following tasks:

Data Scientist at Vodafone:

  • Data Science: Descriptive and predictive analytics: selection, definition, and execution of adequate algorithms, models, tests, visualizations, etc.
  • Technology: Selection, definition, and execution of adequate programming languages/frameworks, file formats, data storage solutions, automatic data flows, etc.
  • Architecture: Define and/or follow best practices for Big Data & amp; Analytics use cases while extracting, transforming, storing, and feeding data to/from different data sources using on-premises solutions as well as public cloud services.
  • Management: Report to project managers, clients, external and/or internal teams. Estimate resources and timelines for different tasks and follow up during the full project life cycle.
  • Innovation: Awareness of and continuous training in state-of-the-art techniques, models, frameworks, and technical approaches to be applied to Data Science activities.

Front-End Developer at Oneragtime:

  • Define the technology stack / tools to be used in the frontend
  • Suggest projects that will improve the product or code base
  • Write scalable, maintainable, reusable, and well-tested software that adheres to best practices
  • Make technical time estimation on future software deliveries
  • Document solutions with clear and concise explanations
  • Collaborate with Product Owners, Growth Hacker, UX / Product Designers

All successful applicants will be eligible for a 100% tuition fee scholarship (22.900 €/year) provided by Vodafone Business for Data Science and by Oneragtime for Front-end Development.


Study Commitment: 3 hours/dayYou will complete 15 modules (each three weeks long) in one year. The daily class workload is 3 hours, plus homework to complete in your own time.

Work Commitment: 4+ hours/dayImmerse yourself in the professional world during your apprenticeship. You’ll learn from the best and get to apply your newly acquired knowledge in the field from day one.

University requirements

  • Bachelor's degree in the field of Mathematics, Statistics, Data Science, Computer Science or similar
  • English proficiency

Work requirements

Data Science:

  • Advanced knowledge and experience in SQL, Python, Spark/Scala, and bash
  • Experienced use of Big Data technologies: Spark, HDFS, Kafka, etc.
  • Hands-on experience with Data Science techniques: feature engineering,

Front-end Development:

  • Proficient in HTML/JSX, CSS, and with strong fundamentals in Javascript ES6
  • Understand Vue
  • Familiar with UX/UI principles: Figma
  • Familiar with Webflow
  • Expertise with Web pack, gulp, similar frontend build tools (npm)
  • Proficient in unit testing tools e.g. JEST or similar tools
  • Proficient in either Sass, LESS, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, Flexbox, or similar tools
  • Understanding of REST API
  • Familiarity with Docker is appreciated
  • Familiar with SQL works (Bonus: if you understand Postgre)
Apply Now for:
Front-end Development
Data Science

UPD: Editorial is out

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By ilyakrasnovv, 3 years ago, translation, In English

Thanks a lot!

for Your participation

Hello, Codeforces!

We are glad to invite everyone to participate in Codeforces Round 816 (Div. 2), which will be held on Aug/20/2022 17:35 (Moscow time). The round will be rated only for the second division. You will have 6 tasks and 2 hours to solve them. We recommend you read all the problems.

Round is completely set by winter SIS (Summer Informatics School) students. During the camp we did our best to prepare interesting and creative problems. You can check previous rounds prepared by SIS students: Codeforces Round 815 (Div. 2), Codeforces Round #694, Codeforces Round #612, Codeforces Round #530

We are very thankful to

Scoring distribution will be released before the contest begins

We hope that You will participate in our round, as well as in SIS!

Good luck and have fun!

UPD — Scoring distribution:

$$$500 - 1000 - 1750 - 2250 - 2750 - 3000$$$

The contest may contain interactive problems! Make sure to read this post.

UPD 2 — Editorial is out!

UPD 3 — Congratulations to the winners!

Official participants:

  1. william556
  2. fursuit
  3. huge_waxberry
  4. lbwhangbeateveryone
  5. Longiseta

All participants:

  1. jiangly
  2. kotatsugame
  3. hitonanode
  4. ksun48
  5. Rubikun

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By TeaTime, 3 years ago, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

We are proud to finally invite you to participate in Codeforces Round #815 (Div. 2), which will start on Aug/18/2022 16:35 (Moscow time). You will be given 5 problems, one of which contains a subtask and 2 hours to solve them. We greatly encourage you to read all the problems.

Round is completely set by SIS (Summer Informatics School) students. During the camp our students did their best to prepare interesting and creative problems. You can check previous rounds prepared by SIS students: Codeforces Round #612, Codeforces Round #530, Codeforces Round #694.

People who participated in the creation of the round:

  • Special thanks for testing to: Dmitry Sweezy Pugachev, Alexey Mangooste Mikhnenko.

Also, we would like to thank:

  • Artyom123 for the brilliant coordination.
  • fastmath for improving one of the tasks!
  • meshanya for improving the structure of the contest!
  • MikeMirzayanov for great platforms, Codeforces and Polygon!

Scoring distribution: $$$500-1000-1250-(1500-1000)-2750$$$.

Good luck & have fun!

UPD1: Editorial

UPD2: Winners!

Div 2:

Div 1:

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By glebustim, 3 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

SomethingNew and I are glad to invite you to Codeforces Round 814 (Div. 1) and Codeforces Round 814 (Div. 2), which will take place on Aug/16/2022 17:35 (Moscow time). Each division will have 6 problems and 2 hours to solve them.

We would like to thank:

Score distribution:

Div. 2: 500 — 1000 — 1250 — (1250 — 1000) — 2500 — 2500

Div. 1: (500 — 500) — 1250 — 1250 — 2250 — 2250 — 2750

We hope that you will enjoy solving our problems!


Congratulations to the winners!

Div. 2:

  1. billieeyelash
  2. randboy
  3. TasselFlower
  4. AVRush
  5. Shiroqwq_

Div. 1:

  1. tourist
  2. maroonrk
  3. Petr
  4. ksun48
  5. Radewoosh

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