We've made it! Or in any case, we are at least very close to it.
On January 19, 2012 at 12:00 we open a sub-project called "Gym". In short, its goal is to enable the Codeforces coders not only to participate in competitions and discuss them, but also to train and coach easily.
In fact, despite the wide diversity of online judges in the world, a well thought-out training service system does not exist. So, the expectations from this system are:
- Collection of online contests, composed mainly of the past official contests.
- Opportunity to integrate the final standings of past contests in the online contests to be able to train "against" the official participants.
- Opportunity to participate in the training at any time whatsoever, without fear that something breaks down and the server will fall. In short, reliability.
- Opportunity to write virtual contests and to solve the problems in a practice mode.
- Opportunity to participate both individually and as part of a team.
- Opportunity to keep the team while changing the team members.
- Opportunity to view various statistics and participation history, the possibility to compile and publish reports on selected participants/contest.
- Opportunity for a coach to add an online contest by him/herself, if this contest still does not exist. The process should be simple, reliable and maximally automated. The opportunity to parse the final standings of the past contests. The opportunity to add the attempts of the official participants to an online contest.
- Opportunity to view tests or other players' solutions for those who have solved the problem.
- Opportunity to find the training to one's taste, i.e. selecting by parameters.
The Codeforces Project:: The training aims to meet all these requirements. Already, nearly everything of the above list is available and whatever is not, will be available.