We are moving forward to accelerate testing. In fact, when our rounds attract 3500+ registrations, it is hard to test all the submissions on nine computers "Core 2 Duo E6750, 2.66 Ghz, 3Gb".
Computer Science Department of Saratov State U has recently got 20 new computers i5-3470, 8Gb. After a little research it was found that if boost CPU to 3.5Ghz (of course, turning off all sorts of turbo boost and after many hours of stability check), the speed is approximately equal to twice the speed of the old testing machines. This is very convenient as it will in future only to divide all the time constraints in the problems by 2.
We have moved to testing on new computers and we do it in compatibility mode. This means that all the time constraints before the start of the program are divided into 2, the program is executed, and at the end a running time is multiplied by 2. In fact, if you do not use the cut-off by time or some other unsavory stunts, you will not detect any changes.
Old testing machines are switched off now.
To be very precise, the new computers are not so fast as 2x old. That is in compatibility mode it is normal to notice a slight degradation in speed.