ABBYY Cup 3.0 — Finals is about to begin. We wish good luck to all the participants!
You may view the current contest standings here.
We do not want the rest to get bored. So ABBYY and Codeforces conduct an unofficial online version of the contest today at 15:30 UTC.
This round will be:
- rated
- for both Div.1 and Div.2
- 2 hours duration
- on the modified ACM ICPC rules (problems are divided into subproblems, count only complete solutions of subproblems, there is a score for each subproblem, a penalty is charged by the rules of ACM ICPC)
Good luck!
Wow rated! :)
I've won the programming problem contest, and ruzana.miniakhmetova said that my problem will be used at the finals by e-mail.
Can I participate the online version of the contest and get rated?
I do not have information about authors of the problems. If there is no your problem here, you may take part.
Hope everyone a great contest!
Sorry, Can you explain more about subproblems? Do you mean that they are different problems with different scores only with one specific text(I mean description of problem)?
I think it is as same as IOI. Subproblems means the problem's constraints (e.g n<=100) will be different. For example we get 20 points when n<=10 and we get 30 points when n<=100 ... something like this.
Thanks a lot ;) So solving the hardest one must give you points of all problems? :)
you should make submission for each subtask
showing Judgement failed. what this actually mean?
i resubmitted, will i get penalty?
Hey I entered the contest about an hour late. If I dont submit any problem, will my rating change or will I be considered as not participating?
Nevermind, got that info!
The problems were hard ... I think Time of the contest should be more... 2 hours and 12 sub problems...
12 sub problems is not a big deal with the time because you have to write only 5 codes to solve 12 sub problems
But the time of other ABBYY cup contests was more...
Sure, and there were more problems. Also, there are many good coders in the finals, so the contest length contributes to the increase in difficulty! (this online round is for our comfort only, the duration is based on the official finals)
That's on purpose. If there's too much time, too many people solve the same subtasks (worst case: too many people solve all the problems) and it's kind of unfair to have a much worse rank just because you got a careless WA. This way, those who don't code well/fast enough don't get AC on all the tasks they can solve, and the score is distributed better.
Well, it's logical...maybe this is better
It's like IOI — you need to distribute your time properly — at first solve simple subtasks, and work for a hard ones.
When are the ratings expected to be updated ?
There's no System Testing so probably right now :)
Probably under a few hours at worst. Patience, my friend!
I found D2 easier than C2 — I had no idea how to solve C2, but a pretty clear one on how to solve D2. To me, there should've been the same score for solving C1+C2 as for D1+D2 (but I don't complain, since that gave me a spot above people who solved C2 and not D1...).
this contest is my awfulest contest. ;)
when does the ranting change come
I used BFS to solve C1 however my version didn't work for other parts of the problem. Is it possible to use a BFS approach for other parts as well?
In general BFS uses all states (here it's n). Your map must be very large and you must get ML. I used BFS too and understood that the best way — to delete the largest digit in our number. I don't know how to prove it but it's true. Can anybody explain how to solve other parts using this algorithm?
I see unfair thing in this contest,
the problem that has fewer subtasks gives less Penalty time than a problem that has more subtasks if they both solved at the same time
Oh, really!?
yes, because for each subtask gives time penalty so a problem that has 2 subtasks gives 2*(real time) as penalty while a problem that has 3 subtasks gives 3*(real time)as penalty
I don't see any unfairness — it was a known fact before the contest, so you should take that into account.
However, I would agree that arguably the better way is to multiply each time by amount of points, hence you won't be at a huge disadvantage by doing 20+20+20 instead of 30+30.
I looked at others' solutions for C2/C3, but still don't get how it works. Can someone explain the idea?
It would be helpful if the tutorials could be published for the problems of the contest. ???