Preparing a contest is not as popular a topic as the perennial question of "how to become red in three months", but still it stirs some interest in Codeforces community now and then. Earlier I've written about preparing Surprise Language Round and about emotional aspect of problemsetting; now it's time to share some facts about running regular contests.
How much time does it take to prepare, select, recall or find problem ideas?
How much experience solving competitive programming problems is necessary to be confident about inventing problems of your own?
Idea generation is a long-term, nearly continuous process. A couple of years ago when I was still an active problemsetter I used to create ideas from literally everything (a squirrel running... hey, this could be a great problem! — seriously, the problem is still there in my drafts, and a pretty complicated one) and to write them down. Then when I had time and inspiration to run a contest, I went through the drafts looking for ideas which would be 1) solvable and 2) nice and unusual enough, and combined them in a problem set.