By MikeMirzayanov, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Welcome to 2014-2015 CT S02E07: Codeforces Trainings Season 2 Episode 7. The training duration is 4.30 hours. It is opened for teams as well as for individual participants. After the end you may use the practice mode to complete problem solving. Also it will be availible as a virtual contest for whose of you who can't take part today. Please, do not cheat. Only fair play!

It is possible that the problems will be too easy for some participants, it is possible that we will add some problems.

Good luck!

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By BYN, 10 years ago, In English

And the winners are:

Bayan Programming Contest

(Participants Qualified for the Final Round of Bayan Programming Contest 2015)

  • If you are a t-shirt winner, double check your information on your Bayan Contest Profile.
  • T-shirts will be sent after the final event which is going to be on early 2015.
  • We might invite one of the t-shirt winners as our event blogger to the onsite final.
  • Finalists will receive invitation emails and will be asked to send us a copy of their passport. The invitation letter will be send from "contest at".
  • Unfortunately we found some cheaters and also people with duplicated accounts. As mentioned before they will be banned for ever from Bayan Programming Contests.
  • To view the Source codes, log in to, select the round and on the scoreboard click on the score for each problem.
  • T-shirt Winners of Bayan Programming Contest 2014-2015
  • High ranked countries in top 50
  • High ranked countries in top 100

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By lperovskaya, 10 years ago, In English

We gladly invite you to participate in the Three Subregionals Cup 2014 – a team-based online programming competition parallel to the ACM ICPC Subregionals in Moscow, Minsk and Saint Petersburg. The tournament will be organized by the team of Yandex.Contest and the jury of the Subregionals. The online rounds will be held on the Yandex.Contest system. The dates and start times of subregionals are: Moscow (registration) – October 26th, 11:30 MSK, MinskNovember 6th, 12:00 MSK, Saint Petersburg – November 8th, 12:30 MSK.

Teams that participate in the onsite version of one of the three quarterfinals will be able to participate in the online versions of the other quarterfinals via Yandex.Contest. Teams that don’t participate in any of the three quarterfinals onsite will be able to participate in all of them online via Yandex.Contest. Cumulated results of three subregional contests will be calculated based on Grand Prix 30 scoring system.

You can register for the online rounds at any time. You can represent a single person or create a team using the My teams link. Each invited team member has to confirm his participation in the team. You can choose participation type and team members upon registering for the contest. Note that OpenCup dedicated logins will not work at this contest!

The rules of the online rounds correspond to the onsite quarterfinal's rules.

For your convenience a test contest is available.

UPD Official Moscow QF results

UPD2 Western QF is right around the corner!

UPD3 Northern QF will start tomorrow at 12:30 MSK.

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By MikeMirzayanov, 10 years ago, translation, In English

The contest has been moved to the Gym.

Today it will be ACM-ICPC, NEEERC, Southern Subregional Contest! As a head of judges I wish good luck to all the participants!

On Saturday (October, 25), 07:00 (UTC) it will be a internet-mirror: [contest:481]. Interesting problems are waiting for you. Judges tried to prepare problems of wide difficulty range: for newcomers and for expirienced teams.

For sure, it will be unrated contest. We recommend you to take part in teams. I think, the contest will be moved to Gym later.

Good luck!

MikeMirzayanov, head of judges.

P.S. Saratov Views:

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By gridnevvvit, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Soon (on October 24, 21:00 MSK) you are lucky to participate in Codeforces Round #275 for both divisions. Pay attention to the round begining time!

Problems have been prepared by team Saratov SU #3 with members: Gridnev Vitaly (gridnevvvit), Danil Sagunov (, Roman Kireev (RoKi).

We want to thank Max Akhmedov (Zlobober) for help with preparation of this round, Maria Belova (Delinur) for translation of statements and Mike Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for marvelous Codeforces and Polygon systems.

Scoring system:

Div1: 500 1500 1500 2000 2500

Dvi2: 500 1000 1500 2500 2500


Contest finished, congratulations for winners!


  1. tourist
  2. Petr
  3. subscriber
  4. uwi
  5. PavelKunyavskiy
  6. mmaxio
  7. Ra16bit


  1. dickXD
  2. meodorewan
  3. charlie

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By BYN, 10 years ago, In English

Elimination Round will start today, 14:30 (UTC) and only contestants who have passed Qualification Round will be eligible to participate.

Score for each solved problem is calculated based on these values:

  • n = No. of accepted submissions
  • t = Contestant's submission time
  • p = Number of contestant's wrong attempts

To receive the latest news fast, follow us on twitter: @bayan

Update 1: The Elimination round is over, and let's face it: It was far from good!

Yes, we're aware of all the issues, and we know that nothing is more nerve-racking than facing those issues during a competitive contest. So, first thing first, we'd like to sincerely apologize for all the inconveniences caused.

In last hours, we thought that the contest has become too hard, so we made a major wrong decision: omitting a hard problem and adding a simple problem as our first question without enough time. Hint: never make any changes to the problem set in a hurry.

Update 2: Editorial is on the way. Source codes will also be avalible in a few hours.

Update 3: Unfortunately we have found some cheaters. As mentioned before they will be banned for ever from Bayan Programming Contests.

Update 4: The editorial is now available.

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By Nerevar, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Greetings to the Codeforces community!

Yet another Div1+Div2 round will take place this Sunday, 19th of October at 13:00 MSK.

The round is based on the problems of the regional stage of All-Russia team school competition, which will take place at the same time in Saratov. We are aware about the overlapping with Opencup, but we have no option to shift the round, because we are bounded to the local event.

The problems were prepared by HolkinPV, gridnevvvit,, Avalanche, IlyaLos, Fefer_Ivan and me.

Scoring: 500-1000-1500-2000-2500 (both divisions).

UPD: Editorial is published.

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By MikeMirzayanov, 10 years ago, translation, In English
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By pkhaustov, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Hi, everyone!

Regular Codeforces round #273 for participants from the second division will take place on 16 October, 19:30 MSK. Participants from the first division are able to participate out of the contest.

Problem setter: pkhaustov (Khaustov Pavel, Russia, Tomsk, Tomsk Polytechnic University)

Special thanks to Codeforces team and, in particular, Maxim Akhmedov (Zlobober) for help in round preparations and Maria Belova (Delinur) for translations.

Participants will be given five problems and two hours to solve this problems.

Points distribution: 500-1000-1500-2000-2500

UPD: +10 minutes to start

Good luck!

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By drazil, 10 years ago, In English

Hello, everyone! Codeforces Round #272 will be held at this local time. We're looking forward to your participation!

The problems are from dreamoon_love_AA and drazil(that's me) from Taiwan, and thanks 9mmlitswe for some discussion. Also we want to thank Zlobober and Gerald for helping us prepare the round, Delinur for translating the statement into Russian, and MikeMirzayanov for Codeforces and Polygon.

This is our first round on Codeforces, we hope you'll find it interesting! Please read all problem statements and discover what the main character dreamoon_love_AA do in those problems for he's really cute =)

Update1 Note this round will be held 1.5hrs earlier than usual Codeforces rounds, so please double check the starting time in your local time.

Update2 Score distribution!
Div2: 500-1500-1500-2000-2500
Div1: 500-1000-1500-2000-3000

Update3 The contests are over. Congratulations to the winners!

1. Petr
2. qwer1561
3. kutengine
4. ifsmirnov
5. TankEngineer

1. ridowan007
2. a00012025
3. xavier13540
4. v_Enhance
5. pkq2006

And standings are here:
Div1: standings
Div2: standings

Update4 Editorial can be found here. It's finished by now but it's welcome to tell me if anything can be improved!

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