sush2k3's blog

By sush2k3, history, 13 months ago, In English

I was recently solving a 1400 rated problem : 1697C - awoo's Favorite Problem. The logic was pretty clear and i had implemented a simple solution 242716746. The code ended up failing at the 2000th input of testcase 2 and I have no idea why. I tried coming up with all possible testcases I could think of but of no help. As I already came up with the logic mentioned in the editorials, I am left helpless as only possible solution left is to look at other successful submissions but it doesn't really help my cause.

As a avid codeforces enthusiast who wishes to improve at competitive programming, it is a humble request to the developers if it is possible to come up with a way to view the particular testcase on which the code failed (not during a contest obviously) . I don't think there would be any downsides to implementing this for practice problems. Those who want can still try coming up with a possible failing testcase on their own without looking at the test details can do so, but also having the problem causing testcase at our disposal could help a lot. This is very similar to having editorials for all problemset problems in the sense that we would have access to a remedy which can help improve logic building and debugging skills.

It's been 2 years since I have been active on codeforces and have loved every problem solved and every contest I've participated in. It's the best platform out there for competitive programming and this is the first and only complaint I've had (not counting the inability to view the users who have added me as a friend XD). It would be a great quality of life change and would be much appreciated.

The rant ends here.

Thanks for reading. Love, sush2k3

Sidenote : Tips, guidance and profile review are welcome

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