pmaddineedi's blog

By pmaddineedi, history, 12 days ago, In English

Hi Contest/Problem Creators: I have two requests for you all about contest timings and dates:

  1. Can we have more weekend contests? This helps people like me who are students (college or younger) since we have a lot of school work etc. which makes us unavailable on weekdays. It is also great for adults to because they have work. Saturdays are best of course.

  2. Can we also have a couple contests (not too often) that are a little later in time? People like me on the west coast of the Americas sometimes have a little trouble attending contests in the morning. For example, attending a contest at roughly 5:35 am PST is quite difficult to attend being so early (idk about you but my brain is at least 50% asleep at that time :) ). I am not asking for contests later than that (7-8 am preferably, 6 is not too bad) to be held too often, as people in China or east of that may have trouble attending as well. So, maybe once a month?

Thanks, pmaddineedi

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By pmaddineedi, history, 3 months ago, In English

As said by Eric Wastl himself:

Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. People use them as interview prep, company training, university coursework, practice problems, a speed contest, or to challenge each other.

For more information, go to the official Advent of Code website.

And to those of you in the US: Happy Thanksgiving!

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By pmaddineedi, history, 5 months ago, In English

Hello CodeForces,

I submitted my solution for a problem at 15:30 UTC-7. However, the verdict was shown 1.5 hours later! If a delay like this happens during a contest, the person won't be able to debug their code if it's wrong :skull. It says that the grading system uses a queue, since it says that your submission is "In queue". This should mean that the later you submit, the later you get your verdict. However, it appears like you could get your verdict sooner than someone who submitted earlier than you. This is extremely unfair (my experience above never happened to me before, but this delay is extreme). Here is some evidence:  .

Why is this happening? I really hope this will get fixed ASAP so that these extreme delays won't happen again. I hope you understand my concern.

Thanks, @pmaddineedi

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By pmaddineedi, history, 13 months ago, In English


Do you know how to do an "either or" for tags while filtering problems? For example, if you are looking through the problems in the problem set tab, if you want problems that are either binary search or greedy (not necessarily both), how do you do that? If I try using "add tag", it only gives problems that have both of these tags.

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