onlyerror's blog

By onlyerror, 3 years ago, In English

Hello, Codeforces community,

There are a lot of contests that happen across many websites and so you need to check it every time by opening multiple websites which cost you a lot of time. So I have created a CLI through which you can get the details of upcoming contests easily.

For example, if you need to know about all the upcoming contests on Codeforces you can type

contests --codeforces


contests -cf on your command line

supporting image

It is very easy to install and use. You just need the latest version of Node and NPM. All the commands and installation steps are documented in the file Any feedback regarding this is highly appreciated. Thanks for reading.

So here is the link

UPD: For those who are facing any problem, please open a new issue with the screenshot of the error message on GitHub.I will try be best to resolve it.Thank you all for your support

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