limbo16's blog

By limbo16, history, 12 months ago, translation, In English

Hi guys! Today I had an exam on algorithms and data structures, where one of the tasks was to write down an algo for finding longest common increasing subsequence in $$$O(n^2)$$$ (yeah, using pen and paper...) For whatever reason, I came up with only $$$O(n^2logn)$$$ solution. However, this solution could be easily simplified to $$$O(n^2)$$$ and many students from my course wrote this algorithm. I guess it happened because when you don't know segtree it is much easier to avoid wrong paths and reach good solution.

Then I caught myself on the thought that in many problems before I also implemented very dumb overkilled solutions with segment tree simply because I know this data structure (thank god I don't know treaps that well). Then I came up with the name of this phenomenon: "The Curse of Segment Tree". So I wonder have anybody also stumbled with this "curse"? (or I am the only orange guy who cannot come up with stupid dp on the uni exam TᴖT)

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