Most of the cases that I've been worked on (doing some 800 rated problemsets), the input section will require 2 type of standard input, the iteration and the case statement.
For the iteration, I tend to use fmt
library to get the input in int straight away to the variable's location via Scanf
. For the case statement, it tends to be multiline that are refers to the iteration, so i use a slice that match the length index, then read each line in a for loop via ReadString
from bufio
Then i need to chop the strings with Fields
since each entry have it's own new line in em, so theres a gap in between each case statment. Now each entry have stored in slice / array, and rdy to be proceed
package main
import (
fmt "fmt"
str "strings"
os "os"
buf "bufio"
func main() {
itr := 0;
in := buf.NewReader(os.Stdin);
_,_ = fmt.Scanf("%d\n",&itr);
arr := make([]string,itr);
for i := 0; i < itr; i++ {
arr[i],_ = in.ReadString('\n');
arr[i] = str.Fields(arr[i])[0];
PS: if each line required to have whitespaces in, then dont use Fields
only on index 0 by removing the [0]