I saw this blog https://codeforces.me/blog/entry/18417 and its been 6 years so thought I would post this and get updated opinions especially since interviews have gotten a lot harder recently.
I understand each interview is different and depends on the interviewer. What are your opinions? Datapoints are welcome! e.g. 'I can solve DIV2 A,B,C and I failed FB' or 'I am 1600 and I passed Google'.
Why am I asking this? It helps me to stay motivated and interested — hopefully it is helpful for others :)
why is this downvoted? Is there a norm / dislike for these types of questions on Codeforces that I'm not aware of?
If you can pick random leetcode medium or hard problem and solve it in 40 minutes, from the first try, with no debugging, then there's a good chance that you'll get some positive feedback after google coding interview. Your code style matters a lot too.
Also, keep in mind that good algorithmic interview is not enough to get an offer. There are system design and behavioral interviews, with completely different set of topics.
What would you estimate the difficulty mapping between LC medium / hard to Codeforces?