Блог пользователя Muhammad_mhs

Автор Muhammad_mhs, история, 4 года назад, По-английски

My approach to solving this problem was the segment tree with O(n(logn)^2) complexity. but It gives me TLE.

My Submission: 124635301

Please, anyone, help me why this solution gives me TLE

Thanks in advance.

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4 года назад, # |
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In my opnion $$$O(nlog^2n)$$$ is too slow for this problem. And the constant time complexity is naturally bigger for Segment Tree.

Why not try using the Spharse Table? And binary searching the solution of each start i is unnecessary. You can simply use a two-pointer method to get the maximum right segment point of each start i.

If you insist your method, then I recommend you use a quicker input method, instead of cin.

This is my code.

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    4 года назад, # ^ |
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    Total time complexity is $$$O(nlognlog(max {{a_i}} ))$$$ for initializing the Spharse Table, and $$$O(nlog(max {{a_i}} ))$$$ for getting the answer.

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      4 года назад, # ^ |
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      You need to note that, for both Sparse Table and Segment Tree, the complexity will have additional factor of $$$log(MAX)$$$ because combining function is $$$gcd(x, y)$$$.

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    4 года назад, # ^ |
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    I have used ios::sync_with_stdio(0);cin.tie(0); for quicker input method. I have got my mistake. Now, I will try that with the sparse table.

    Thanks a lot.

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    4 года назад, # ^ |
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    Can you explain the O(NlogN) method? I think the gcd operator will add an additional logN into the total time complexity.

4 года назад, # |
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Since gcd is built into the segment tree, each range query actually has a complexity of O(logn log1e18), which when combined with the binary search, results in a total time complexity of O(n (log n)^2 log1e18). This ends up being too slow. If you still wish to use a segment tree approach, consider changing the binary search to a 2-pointers approach that reduces it to O(n logn log 1e18), which passes under the time limit.

4 года назад, # |
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Can anyone tell how to get rid of Memory Limit Exceeded. I have implemented a segment tree with two pointer approach.

My Submission:124646523

4 года назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

The same code passes in 1950ms if you choose language GNU C++17 (64 bit)
