First of all, I would like to thank all testers of the round: PavelKunyavskiy, IlyaLos, Vladik, ashmelev, nooinenoojno, AlexFetisov. Also huge thanks to co-authors of the contest: Neon, vovuh and awoo.
I hope you enjoyed participating in the round!
Okay, now for the editorial itself:
Idea: BledDest, preparation: Neon
Tutorial is loading...
Solution (Neon)
fun main() = repeat(readLine()!!.toInt()) {
val (n, k) = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
var ans = 0
repeat(n) {
val (l, r) = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
if (l <= k) ans = maxOf(ans, r - k + 1)
1533B - Nearest Point Function
Idea: BledDest, preparation: vovuh
Tutorial is loading...
Solution (vovuh)
fun main() {
val t = readLine()!!.toInt()
repeat(t) {
val n = readLine()!!.toInt()
val x = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
var ans = false
for (i in 1 until n) {
if ((x[i] - x[i - 1]) % 2 == 0) {
ans = true
println(if (ans) "YES" else "NO")
Tutorial is loading...
Solution (Neon)
fun main() = repeat(readLine()!!.toInt()) {
val (n, k) = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
val s = readLine()!!
val used = BooleanArray(n) { false }
var cnt = s.count({ it == '1'})
var pos = 0
while (cnt > 0) {
used[pos] = true
if (s[pos] == '1') --cnt
if (cnt == 0) break
var lft = k
while (lft > 0) {
pos = (pos + 1) % n
if (!used[pos]) --lft;
println(used.count({ it }))
Idea: BledDest and Neon, preparation: Neon
Tutorial is loading...
Solution (Neon)
fun main() {
val (n, m) = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
val used = Array(n) { readLine()!! }.toSet()
repeat(readLine()!!.toInt()) {
val t = readLine()!!
val s = (0..m).map { i -> t.removeRange(i..i) }.toSet()
println(s.count { used.contains(it) } )
Idea: BledDest, preparation: awoo
Tutorial is loading...
Solution (awoo)
fun main() {
val n = readLine()!!.toInt()
val a = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }.toIntArray()
val b = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }.toIntArray()
val m = readLine()!!.toInt()
val c = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }.toIntArray()
val pr = IntArray(n + 1) { -2e9.toInt() }
for (i in 0 until n) {
pr[i + 1] = maxOf(pr[i], b[i] - a[i])
val su = IntArray(n + 1) { -2e9.toInt() }
for (i in (n-1) downTo 0) {
su[i] = maxOf(su[i + 1], b[i + 1] - a[i])
val ans = IntArray(m)
for (i in 0 until m) {
var pos = a.binarySearch(c[i])
if (pos < 0) {
pos = -pos - 1
ans[i] = maxOf(pr[pos], su[pos], b[pos] - c[i])
println(ans.joinToString(" "))
1533F - Binary String Partition
Idea: BledDest, preparation: Neon
Tutorial is loading...
Solution (Neon)
fun main() {
val s = readLine()!!.map { (it - '0').toInt() }.toIntArray()
val pos = Array(2) { c -> s.indices.filter { s[it] == c }.toIntArray() }
val sum = Array(2) { c -> s.runningFold(0) { cur, x -> cur + if (x == c) 1 else 0 }.toIntArray() }
println((1..s.size).map { k ->
generateSequence(0) { i ->
IntArray(2) { c -> pos[c].getOrElse(sum[c][i] + k) { s.size } }.maxOrNull()!!
}.joinToString(" "))
Idea: BledDest, preparation: Neon
Tutorial is loading...
Solution (Neon)
fun main() = repeat(readLine()!!.toInt()) {
val (n, m) = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
val a = Array(n) { readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() } }
val used = BooleanArray(111) { false }
val ord = ArrayList<Int>()
val dx = intArrayOf(0, 1, 0, -1)
val dy = intArrayOf(1, 0, -1, 0)
fun dfs(x : Int, y : Int) {
used[a[x][y]] = true
for (i in 0 until 4) {
val nx = x + dx[i]
val ny = y + dy[i]
if (0 <= nx && nx < n && 0 <= ny && ny < m && a[nx][ny] != 0 && !used[a[nx][ny]]) {
dfs(nx, ny)
var k = 0
for (x in 0 until n) {
for (y in 0 until m) {
if (a[x][y] != 0) {
k += 1
if (ord.isEmpty()) dfs(x, y)
if (ord.count() != 2 * k - 1) {
return@repeat println(-1)
println("$k $k")
for (x in 0 until k) {
for (y in 0 until k) {
print("${ord[x + y]} ")
Tutorial is loading...
Solution (Neon)
fun main() {
val AL = 5
val (n, m) = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
val s = Array(n) { readLine()!! }
val res = LongArray(1 shl AL) { mask ->
val d = IntArray(m) { 0 }
var sum = 0L
for (i in 0 until n) {
for (j in 0 until m) {
val cur = (mask shr (s[i][j] - 'A')) and 1
d[j] = if (cur == 1) d[j] + 1 else 0
val l = IntArray(m) { -1 }
val q = IntArray(m) { 0 }
var ptr = -1
for (j in 0 until m) {
while (ptr >= 0 && d[q[ptr]] >= d[j]) ptr -= 1
if (ptr >= 0) l[j] = q[ptr]
ptr += 1
q[ptr] = j
val r = IntArray(m) { m }
ptr = -1
for (j in m - 1 downTo 0) {
while (ptr >= 0 && d[q[ptr]] > d[j]) ptr -= 1
if (ptr >= 0) r[j] = q[ptr]
ptr += 1
q[ptr] = j
for (j in 0 until m) sum += (j - l[j]) * (r[j] - j) * d[j].toLong()
for (i in 0 until AL) {
for (mask in 1 until (1 shl AL)) {
if (((mask shr i) and 1) == 0) res[mask or (1 shl i)] -= res[mask]
val ans = LongArray(AL + 1) { 0 }
for (mask in 1 until (1 shl AL)) ans[mask.countOneBits()] += res[mask]
println(ans.drop(1).joinToString(" "))
Idea: BledDest, preparation: BledDest
Tutorial is loading...
Solution (Neon)
import java.util.Queue
import java.util.LinkedList
fun main() {
val (n1, n2, m) = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
val S = n1 + n2
val T = S + 1
val V = T + 1
data class Edge(val y : Int, val c : Int, var f : Int, val cost : Int)
val e = ArrayList<Edge>()
val g = Array(V) { ArrayList<Int>() }
fun addEdge(x : Int, y : Int, c : Int, cost : Int) {
e.add(Edge(y, c, 0, cost))
e.add(Edge(x, 0, 0, -cost))
var sum = 0
readLine()!!.split(" ").mapIndexed { i, value ->
val k = value.toInt()
addEdge(i, T, 1, -k)
sum += k
val deg = IntArray(n2) { 0 }
repeat(m) {
val (x, y) = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() - 1 }
addEdge(y + n1, x, 1, 0)
deg[y] += 1
for (i in 0 until n2) {
addEdge(S, i + n1, deg[i] - 1, 0)
var mincost = 0
fun enlarge() : Boolean {
val q: Queue<Int> = LinkedList<Int>()
val inq = IntArray(V) { 0 }
val d = IntArray(V) { 1e9.toInt() }
val p = IntArray(V) { -1 }
val pe = IntArray(V) { -1 }
inq[S] = 1
d[S] = 0
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
val k = q.poll()
g[k].forEach { a ->
val (to, c, f, w) = e[a]
if (c - f != 0 && d[to] > d[k] + w) {
d[to] = d[k] + w
p[to] = k
pe[to] = a
if (inq[to] == 0) {
inq[to] = 1
if (p[T] == -1) return false
var cur = T
while (cur != S) {
mincost += e[pe[cur]].cost
e[pe[cur]].f += 1
e[pe[cur] xor 1].f -= 1
cur = p[cur]
return true
while (enlarge());
println(sum + mincost)
Idea: BledDest, preparation: BledDest
Tutorial is loading...
Solution (Neon)
fun main() {
val N = 500043
val n = readLine()!!.toInt()
val pts = Array(N) { ArrayList<Int>() }
repeat(n) {
val (x, y) = readLine()!!.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
pts.forEach { it.sort() }
data class Event(val y : Int, val t : Int, val value : Int)
fun recalc(v1 : ArrayList<Pair<Int, Int>>, v2 : ArrayList<Int>, flag : Boolean) : ArrayList<Pair<Int, Int>> {
val events = ArrayList<Event>()
if (flag) {
v1.forEach { events.add(Event(it.first, 0, it.second)) }
v2.forEachIndexed { i, value -> events.add(Event(value, 1, i + 1)) }
events.add(Event(0, 1, 0))
events.sortWith(compareBy({ -it.y }, { it.t }, { it.value }))
} else {
v1.forEach { events.add(Event(it.first, 0, it.second)) }
v2.forEachIndexed { i, value -> events.add(Event(value, 1, v2.size - i)) }
events.add(Event(N + 43, 1, 0))
events.sortWith(compareBy({ it.y }, { it.t }, { it.value }))
var cur = 0
val res = ArrayList<Pair<Int, Int>>()
events.forEach {
if (it.t == 0) {
cur = maxOf(cur, it.value)
} else {
res.add(Pair(it.y, it.value + cur))
return res
fun calc(flag : Int) : Int {
var cur = ArrayList<Pair<Int, Int>>()
pts.forEachIndexed { i, value -> cur = recalc(cur, value, flag != i % 2) }
var res = 0
cur.forEach { res = maxOf(res, it.second) }
return res
println(calc(0) + calc(1) - n)
kotlin is actually fun. also thanks for the quick editorial