Welcome to 2013-2014 CT S01E03: selected problems from 2002 Central European (CEPC 2002) + 2010 Southeast USA Region. The training duration is 5 hours. It is opened for teams as well as for individual participants. After the end you may use the practice mode to complete problem solving. Also it will be availible as a virtual contest for whose of you who can't take part today. Please, do not cheat. Only fair play!
It is possible that the problems will be too easy for some participants, it is possible that we will add some problems.
The registration will be available on the Gym page and will be opened until the end of the training. Be careful registering team: please, choose only whose members who will take part in the contest.
Good luck!
Many solutions not visible...
Because you can only view a solution after you've solved a problem. It's really tiring to write this every time...
Can't we see the solutions to problems?
How to solve problem D, L?
L: Key observation: ans(L, R) = ans(1, R) — ans(1, L — 1).
So one can iterate over the number of ones in binary representation(let's call it C). If the current number of ones gives proper X value, then all what we need to do is to calculate the amount of numbers which have exactly C ones in binary representation and less or equal to R.
One can do this using dynamic programming(the state is (number of bits processed, number of ones used, is it equal to or strictly less than R)).
D: Let's say that team i gets xi balloons of type A and Ki - xi of type B. Then, the cost for that team is Ci = DA, ixi + DB, i(Ki - xi) = DB, iKi + xi(DA, i - DB, i). We need to minimize
The first term is constant, so let's ignore it. Then, we can sort the teams and use a greedy approach: go from smallest DA, i - DB, i to largest. As long as DA, i - DB, i < 0, we give the team as many balloons as possible, so that
and xi ≤ Ki. Once we move on to DA, i - DB, i ≥ 0: for a valid solution, we need
, but we don't want to increase X anymore when that's valid, because it increases the result. So if we can achieve that condition's validity by setting xi to some value ≤ Ki for some i, we do it; otherwise, it's best to set xi = Ki.
It needs careful checking of all conditions' correct combinations, but no extreme algorithms otherwise. Total running time:
per test case.
L: Observe that after the first iteration, any number will drop to at most 60, because there can be at most 60 ones in its binary representation. So we need to be able to calculate 2 things: "for given A and k, how many numbers in the interval [1, A] have exactly k > 0 ones in binary?" and "how many iterations does it take to get to 1 from k"?
The second part is easy, just bruteforce it. The first is quite tough. Number the bits of A as b0..m, where b0 is least significant. We go from bm to b0. For every bit, we have at most 2 choices: either the numbers we're interested in will have bits bi to bm equal to those of A, in which case we just continue on, or (only possible if bi = 1) we have the numbers with bi = 0 and all larger bits equal to those of A; those numbers will all be < A, so there is
of them, where
. So we need to calculate binomial coefficients up to around
. That works in
. Now, we can try all possible k, find out how many times we'll have number i after one iteration, and count how many of those take X - 1 more iterations to get to 1.
EDIT: Whoops, already answered. At least I've got a more detailed (and more chaotic :D) explanation.
About problem L, I have the idea exactly same as yours, however, I got WA on test 2 many times. Here's the link of my submission:LINK Can you help me fix the bug in my solution or can you share your code with me?(If so, you can send me message in CF). Thanks.
Ops, Sorry. I made a stupid mistake, when c == 1. Apology for bother.
any ideas for solving B?
Greedy: sort the intervals by their ends, then process them in increasing order. Always add as few points into the set as necessary for the condition of that interval to be valid, and take them from the last one that you still haven't taken (that ensures that they intersect with as many of the unprocessed intervals as possible).
There are at most 50000 points to be added, so store them in a set. To find out how many points from the set are in an interval, use a Fenwick tree (BIT) for sums.
One can solve this problem with next greedy algorithm. Let's sort segments in increasing order of right end. When processing i-th segment let's see how many integers from that segment are already taken. If we have taken x integers from that segment and x < ci, we still need to add some numbers into set. Let's do that starting from the right end of the segment ri in decreasing order.
You may need some data structures for this solutions, for me it was enough to use set to store unused numbers and Fenwick tree for checking how many integers there are already in segment.
UPD: Xellos was faster =)
Let's sort our intervals [a;b] by b. Consider the first interval [a1;b1]. Obviosly, we must put points in positions {b1, b1-1, b1-2, ..., b1-c1+1}, because it will be better for future intervals. Now delete the first interval and continue our algorithm. If interval [ai; bi] has already ci points we do nothing. So, we need to find sum on a interval [ai; bi] and to put a points in the end of out interval. We can keep Fenwick tree and set with unused points. My implementation : http://ideone.com/NMYH6F UPD : Xellos and Zlobober were much more faster than me :D
Thank you all guys, got it accepted :)
What's the idea behind I ?
That's an easy one. Realize that we can split a palindrome of length L into 2 halves, of lengths
, where the 2nd one is uniquely defined by the first. We only need to consider 2 possibilities: either the result's first half is equal to the original string's first half (in which case the result might be a smaller palindrome and then it's not valid), or it's just larger by 1 (in which case it's definitely a larger palindrome); construct those 2 and choose the smaller one larger than the original string.
I would like to get emails about these trainings. Is there a way to subscribe?
How to solve Voracious Steve Problem ??? and what happens at n reduces to 1.
Dynamic programming. A state DP[i][j][k] is the maximum number of donuts Steve can eat, if there are i donuts in the box, Steve has j and Digit k donuts, and it's Steve's move. (If it isn't Steve's move and, he can eat i + j + k - DP[i][k][j] donuts — applying the optimal strategy for Digit.) Time O(N4).
Can you please write the full DP equation, Not able to get it.
Define S[i][j][k] = i + j + k - DP[i][k][j] (the result for the 2nd player). Now, if i = 0, then DP[0][j][k] = j + S[k][0][0]. Otherwise, DP[i][j][k] = minx = 0min(M, i){S[i - x][j + x][k]} if x < i, or j + i + S[k][0][0] if x = i.
Is it possible to get hints/solutions or tutorials for other GYM contest as well.
how to solve problem G ? my solution was as follow : for each edge compute the shortest time which can be start using this edge an arrived to city N. Finally, output inner intervals for edges from city 1. is that true ?