The Croatia selected a team for this year programing competition IOI 2013 and CEOI 2013 which will be held in Primošten, Croatia. This year the best programer is Domagoj Ćevid. He won last year silver medal(IOI 2012) and gold medal at mathematical world competition 2012. The youngest programmer in the team is Ivan Lazarić. He won 3 place in the final competition and he is national winner in his category. Only Domagoj had experience at big programming competition but I am sure that we will have a great score like the last or previous year.
This year selected are:
1. Domagoj Ćevid
2. mislav
3. IvL
4. Mislav Bradač
Why there is no last year gold medal winner Marin Tomic in the team?
Result He said that he didn't practice as hard as previous year.