Airport has m runways of length n units.
The rules of game are as follows:
One can start at any runway.
One can switch from ith runway to jth runway if (i, j) are coprime.
It is compulsory to switch between runway after every 1 unit.
One has to reach end of runway.
Find number of ways in which this can be achieved. As answer could be large, print it modulo 1000000007.
Plz help me in this question.
There's an obvious DP with $$$O(nm)$$$: $$$dp[i][j]$$$ is the number of ways to get on the runway $$$j$$$ unit $$$i$$$.
The base is
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The answer is
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The transition is
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Now when you see the transition you can use matrix expo to achieve
Unable to parse markup [type=CF_MATHJAX]
complexity.But can we even take an array of 10^10? because in this case size of dp will be n*m which is (10^9)*10.
it’s matrix expo, you don’t define the whole array.