CodeChef invites you to participate in the February CookOff 2012 at
Time: 17th February 2013 (2130 hrs) to 18th February 2013 (0000 hrs). (+5:30 GMT) — Check your timezone.
Registration: Just need to have a CodeChef user id to participate. New users please register here
Problem Setter: Anton Lunyov
Problem Tester: Hiroto Sekido
Editorialist: Ashar Fuadi
It promises to deliver on an interesting set of algorithmic problems with something for all.
The contest is open for all and those, who are interested, are requested to have a CodeChef userid, in order to participate.
Seems like lots of maths and number theory, right?
Not at this time :)
"Connection failed:Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (11)" :-(
It was initial load. Should not be so now. Let us know if you still face it.
Every time I submit a solution it shows me this message.
How fast works model solution by problem "Minimal Weighted Digit Sum"? My solution local works about a second (on different tests with maximum m) and didn't pass :-(
I spend several hours (like 6-8 I guess) to find "different tests with maximum m" that are indeed tough. My fastest solution runs in 0.85 seconds while clean and written completely on STL solution in 1.16. So TL satisfy silent rule at least 2 times from the author solution.
What is asymptotics for the solution?
The insight behind the problem was to fail Dijkstra approach.
Here the link to my code:
It succeeded :(
Can you share tests that you have find?
The nine toughest test cases:
I hope you can generate answers by yourself.
4 seconds on 3 tests. On other less than 2 seconds :-(
Sorry for "capping".
But it only means that you should always estimate the complexity properly and not underestimate test data thinking "perhaps test data do not contain such over-killing tests".
That was one of the insights behind the problem as well :)
Now my solution works 2 times faster. But I think that it's only hacks. I think that I have estimated the problem complexity correctly.
Could you please explain you approach as the answer to the editorial?
It seems like some hash-table but I don't get it completely.
I saw similar approach in other solutions as well,
for example, in solutions of Gennady or Mugurel Ionut.
I'll do it soon. UPD: Looks like I'm doing the same as authors, so explanation isn't need.
The editorials must be visible here:
Why there is no submit button here?
@homo_sapiens: The problems are still being moved into the practice section. Once the move is complete, the should appear.
When will the ratings be updated.. It is almost two days now..
Because of the issues that we faced during the contest, there have been unintentional submissions made which has resulted in incorrect penalties. We are trying to find our all such submissions and invalidating them so that they do not take part when we calculate the ratings. It should be over in a few more days.
The ratings for February Cook-Off 2013 have now been updated. The users had made multiple wrong submissions without intending to do so due to the site issues. We have excluded unintentionally made submissions and recalculated the penalties to be fair to all. We regret the delay and hope that we have been fair in the end.