Let's say we have a set of planes of the form zi = aix + biy + c. Each plane will have a (possibly empty) region of where it has the maximum z value over all the planes in the set. I am wondering if these regions have sufficiently nice properties that they can be maintained, updated and queried efficiently.
Yeah I guess so. The only property that is important is monotonicity. One important point to note here is that unlike the 2d version of the trick where only a single point is involved, a line should be the criterion for querying.
In 3 dimensions, it is possible, but a bit tricky to implement and was discussed here. Queries and insertions run in
. The basic idea in 3D is that you do scanline over one dimension and maintain a changing 2D-convex hull data structure. The scanline is computed by divide-and-conquer.
In d dimensions, the convex hull can have
faces, so I wouldn't expect an efficient solution for d ≥ 4.
i don't even know how it works in 2dimensions