teochaban's blog

By teochaban, history, 7 years ago, In English

University of Sao Paulo (Campus Sao Carlos) holds a qualifier contest every year to select participants that will represent our university on the ACM-ICPC Brazilian Sub Regionals.

This year, the contest will take place on August 19th at 14:00 BRT. The contest is public and everyone is welcome to participate on Codeforces Gym.

This year problem setters are bimaoe, danft, ffao, LaercioJr, Seku, tomasf, and me (teochaban). We would like to thank joaogui1, andre_smaira and overnite.runner for helping us out with testing and reviewing.

The problem set is supposed to keep both starters and veterans entertained, but it's probably too easy for grandmasters. It was designed for solo participants.

Here are our contests from past years:

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7 years ago, # |
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6 years ago, # |
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How to solve J?

6 years ago, # |
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Any idea on Problem H?

6 years ago, # |
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Anybody has an idea what could be the test #7 in Preference Number, I could not even pass that test. Tried many times and I am not able to identify what is the wrong case in my solution, can anyone provide some editorial on this contest?, I would aprreciate it a lot! :D