vivace_jr's blog

By vivace_jr, history, 7 years ago, In English

There are so many different ways one can implement Dinic's, i have come across

1-> **EV^2** -
2-> **EV*log(maximum edge capcity)** -
3-> **EV*log(V)** -

Can anyone tell about or suggest some good tutorials where i can learn any of the following -> 1-> proof of Dinics 2-> proof of its timecomplexity (1st and 2nd types) 3-> implementation of third type(EVlog(V)) 4-> proof of 2nd type
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7 years ago, # |
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by vivace_jr (previous revision, new revision, compare).

7 years ago, # |
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The following are suggested recent related publications that may be helpful in getting more information. Both references mention Dinic's algorithm.

  1. Solving the Maximum Flow Problem by a Modified Adaptive Amoeba Algorithm

  2. Whale Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Maximum Flow Problem