So, a newbie here. I have been what you would call not so good at CP. I got introduced to it while I was researching about ICPC. I was new and stupid but ambitious. Joined last year in winter. I was completely new, didn't knew anything. Here I am accelerating with each day progressing. So, in my opinion there's only three things for CP: 1. Observe 2. Learn 3. Practice Just that OBSERVE how these you know RED GUYS solve how the GMs do it, mark them and read their solutions thoroughly till there's none that you can't comprehend. Then, if you come across a thing you cannot comprehend. LOOK FOR IT. There's no other thing, no one's coming to you and tell you. Go around the internet, you are better than AI models in your thinking. Don't give in to AI. LEARN!! YOU ARE A HUMAN, THAT'S HOW WE TOOK OVER THE PLANET. WE LEARNT. and finally, practice religiously and within weeks you will see progress. JUST KEEP AT IT!! MY WISHES TO YOU.