Suppose, I have N distinct integers. I have to make M non-empty sets using these integers. An integer may not present in any of the sets and an integer can present in only one of the M sets. I have to print all possible ways to make M sets using these N integers.
For example, if I have N = 3 integers which are 1, 2 and 3, then there are 6 possible ways to make M = 2 sets:
1. {1} {2}
2. {1} {3}
3. {2} {3}
4. {1,2} {3}
5. {1,3} {2}
6. {1} {2,3}
How can I find out the number of ways to make M sets using N distinct integers according to the rule given above? What is the most efficient way to print all the possible ways?
I tried to solve this problem using dynamic programming, but I am having trouble to define DP states.
Dear BumbleBee,
It seems that an iterative expression can be derived for
defined as the number of non-empty subsets of sizei
in the N-item set partitioning problem, wherei
belongs to the interval[ 1, K + 1 ]
,K = N - M
belongs to the interval[ 0, N / i ]
,S(1) + S(2) + .... + S(P) = M
,S(1) + 2 S(2) + 3 S(3) + .... + P S(P) = N
, andP
that belongs to the interval[ 1, M ]
is the number of different sizes of the non-empty subsets.For example,
S(1) <= M
andN - S(1) >= 2 [ M - S(1) ]
. Therefore,N - 2 K <= S(1) <= M
. Similarly,S(2) <= M - S(1)
andN - S(1) - 2 S(2) >= 3 [ M - S(1) - S(2) ]
. Therefore,2 N - 3 K - 2 S(1) <= S(2) <= M - S(1)
. Likewise,S(3) <= M - S(1) - S(2)
andN - S(1) - 2 S(2) - 3 S(3) >= 4 [ M - S(1) - S(2) - S(3) ]
. Therefore,3 N - 4 K - 3 S(1) - 2 S(2) <= S(3) <= M - S(1) - S(2)
. Next,4 N - 5 K - 4 S(1) - 3 S(2) - 2 S(3) <= S(4) <= M - S(1) - S(2) - S(3)
, and so on.These examples for
i = 1, 2, 3, and 4
can be generalized toT(i) <= S(i) <= U(i)
, whereT(i)
can be expressed as follows. LetV(0) = W(0) = 0
,V(i) = V(i-1) + S(i)
andW(i) = W(i-1) + i S(i)
. It follows thatV(P) = M
andW(P) = N
. It also follows thatT(1) = M - K
andU(1) = M
, and thatU(i) = M - V(i)
andT(i) = T(i-1) + U(i) - S(i)
fori > 1
.The number of possible choices for a particular value of
is the combinatorial coefficientC( N - W(0), S(1) )
, forS(2)
isC( N - W(1), S(2) )
, forS(3)
isC( N - W(2), S(3) )
, and so on. It follows that the number of choices for a particular value ofS(i)
isC( N - W(i-1), S(i) )
.Hope that this partial problem analysis helps.
Best wishes,
dp[i][j] = number of ways to split i distinct numbers in j non empty-sets
3 cases:
take number i, create new set
take number i, add to some existing set
disgard number i
I tried to implement your idea in this way:
{1,2} {3}
{1,3} {2}
{1} {2,3}
{1} {2}
{1} {3}
{2,3} {1}
{2} {1,3}
{2} {1}
{3} {1,2}
{3} {1}
{2} {3}
{3} {2}
Each combination has appeared twice in the output. How to prevent this?
Solved. I had to put a condition while creating a new set with the ith integer. Thanks.
The answer is :