csacademy's blog

By csacademy, 8 years ago, In English

The 24th Central European Olympiad in Informatics took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, during July 10th-15th 2017. The most gifted high school students from 14 countries had the opportunity to prove their knowledge and skills in informatics.

If you didn't participate in the official online mirror and you didn't get the change to read the problem statements yet, we invite you to participate in two unrated contests that will use the tasks from CEOI. The first contest starts on Thursday, July 20, 11:00:00 UTC. The second contest starts on Friday, July 21, 11:00:00 UTC The problem statements will be available in English.

Contest format

  • You will have to solve 3 tasks in 5 hours.
  • There will be full feedback throughout the entire contest.
  • The tasks will have partial scoring. The maximum score for each problem will be 100 points.
  • There will be no tie breaker, so two users having the same total score at the end of the contest will share the same place in the standings.
  • Vote: I like it
  • +60
  • Vote: I do not like it

8 years ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +8 Vote: I do not like it

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