DELETED02's blog

By DELETED02, 15 years ago, translation, In English

Hi everyone! Here I put some useful calendars. Those who wish to add their useful calendars can write me in PM or leave a comment.



Simply select the category competitions, which are interesting to you personally, and add the resulting calendar in iCal format to your Google calendar, Yandex calendar or any program-organizer


Сodeforces events calendar

Google Codejam

Automatically generated, customizable to your taste, anywhere to import Google Codejam events calendar


In many links (calendars) in the lower right corner there is a button add the calendar to your Google calendar. Thereafter, all updates will be automatically displayed in your Google calendar
If you do not use Google Calendar, you can watch/monitor/import the calendar in
iCal or XML format.
And if you are using, do not forget that you can put a sms reminder (free) or e-mail - so now forget about the round is simply unthinkable! And you can do (in preferences) once for all events on this calendar, rather than manually for each individual, highly recommend!

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