I try sort any number array with complexity O(n). I have adjusted Counting sort. 1. I divide input into 2 case: negative array case and positive array case 2. I sort and combine 2 array in 2 case 3. get output
=> complexity O(n)
code here: my Code
I used really amazing and awesome randomized input generator and I think your code doesn't work for this input.
Thank kalimm, your bug is correct! Your bug is not working because memory is limited. I am not able to store array with size greater than 10000000. As result, In my code with array C[] (temporary storage) not work when maximum element of array K > 10000000 and going on... :( ex in my code: for (int i = 0; i <= K; i ++) // K is maximum element of array C[i] = 0; But omit this error, are u think my idea is correct and complexity is O(n)?
How can we omit it while it doesn't work :(