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Zzyzx's blog

By Zzyzx, history, 9 years ago, In English

The other day, I was curious about this thing and couldn't find a similar older question so.. decided to post this.

I do not know much beyond the basic algorithms 101 knowledge. Probably the only stuff I know outside of that is Heavy-Light decomposition and Persistent Segment tree. My favorite problems are those which are hard but solvable with just the basic 101 knowledge.

I am curious if there are grandmasters who have the same level of knowledge that I do and not more. While knowing more algorithms/data structures may surely help, it's interesting for me to see high rated performers who got there with just the basic algorithms 101 knowledge.


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9 years ago, # |
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What is 101?

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    9 years ago, # ^ |
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    Usually the first algorithms course in undergraduation is called 101 to denote it's the most basic course in that subject. (102 for advanced and so on..)